How would I describe myself?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
@ 10:07 AM
I'm selfish but generous at the same time. It's pretty odd. I think differently than others, which makes me weird. I hurt people that I don't care about like it's nothing but it'll kill me to hurt the ones that I care about. I don't have a favorite anything. I don't have a favorite color, favorite music genre, favorite book, favorite food, or a favorite person. I'm very sensitive so I try my best to hide it.
I hide a lot of things. My self-esteem has hit rock bottom and it hasn't recovered yet. I don't think it ever will. I gave and gave, expecting people to do the same for me, but they only let me down. So I've learned to treat people the way they treat me. I learn from my mistakes. I'm careless. I over analyze too much. A lot of things bother and annoy me. I'm emotional. The littlest things tick me off and I'll blow up. I exaggerate things. I'm a big scaredy cat. I don't have any talents. I'm not serious at all. The only time I'm serious is when I'm on the computer or when I'm writing in my blog. I like simple people. I love art and creating stuff. I love helping people, but I'm lazy. I dislike it when people try too hard so it seems fake, but it intimidates me when people are too real. I prefer serious and witty people over immature people. I love meeting people that are the complete opposite of me.
Basically, I'm very complicated.
I admit that I'm weird, lame, and retarded. I'm not intelligent, pretty or funny. I'm not the best person in the world.