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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Friday, December 23, 2011 @ 7:49 AM

If you love someone, go after them. Claim them as yours before somebody else does. Tell them you love them, before somebody else does. Be a step ahead and be the first.

Do it before it's too late.

Thursday, December 22, 2011 @ 7:44 PM

I hate this one sided shit.

I love you, but you can't stand to look at me. You're smiling, I'm crying. I want you, but you want nothing to do with me. I think about you literally all night and day, but you have ways of distracting yourself. I'm restless during the night, and you're asleep, at peace. Everything reminds me of you. Every fucking thing. I can't get away from this no matter what I try to do. There is no one on this planet that can make me feel even a bit better except for you. But what are you doing? Why aren't you here saving me. Why are you letting these thoughts kill me from the inside out. Why are you just standing there when I'm calling out for you?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 @ 8:48 PM

Monday, December 19, 2011 @ 11:40 AM

@ 2:05 AM

We are all guilty of the things we accuse others of.

Friday, December 16, 2011 @ 3:18 PM

Annotations(CC) on for English subtitles.

@ 10:18 AM

You were the only one since the beginning. 

Only person I've loved, cared for, gave everything to.

You're the only one that brought me such happiness, and now you're causing pain that I'm not used to. I want to rip my fucking heart out. I want to feel numb. I would rather die than feel this.

It was all about you. There was never anyone else.

@ 8:09 AM

One hour of sleep.

@ 2:46 AM

Because I'm never, ever good enough. Because there is always something wrong with me and what I do.


Sunday, December 11, 2011 @ 8:35 AM

This is what life brings me for actually falling in love with someone.

Abandonment. Agony.

This is what I get for being faithful and trying so hard to make it work.

@ 2:07 AM

You hear me calling but still walking away. This pain inside just won't go away.

This is for you.
@ 2:05 AM

There's two sides to every story, and I just need you to hear me out. For once.

In some relationships, two people are constantly arguing about how much they think they did for the other person and how they didn't receive as much as they gave. They're both stubborn and get caught up in thinking that they did more, sacrificed more, gave more, said more, and loved more. And that is exactly what we're guilty of.

The foundation of our relationship lacked the presence of trust. It was set upon misunderstandings that grew and grew, and eventually led us to the end.

Now I am stuck at a dead end with no escape. There is nothing I can do to save us. I'm slowly losing hope, and I never thought it would come to this. I've tried feeding myself false hope because I can't let you go. How could I ever? You were the best thing that has happened to me. You were like the light at the end of the tunnel, something I always looked forward to and made everything better. You made everything okay. You turned what's unbearable into bliss. You've taught me how to love genuinely. You were the perfect guy and I could have never asked for anyone better.

Week after week, month after month, I fell deeper and deeper in love with you. Your flaws became perfection. You, were perfection itself. I trusted you completely. I felt as if we were going to last forever; with a love that strong, I believed nothing could happen to us. You made me feel invincible. Every second spent with you was a wonderful memory. No one has ever made me feel so loved, so happy. I couldn't help but become attached to you. Relied on you for every single thing. Clung on to you. I became possessive. I let jealousy consume my thoughts but I hardly showed it. I just couldn't afford to lose you. At that point, I couldn't picture life without you.

Challenges started to arise, just like any healthy relationship, but for some reason, we couldn't face them like any normal couple. Maybe we were too weak. Too fragile. I began to realize that our relationship was hanging from a mere thin strand of string, and even the lightest breeze could blow it away. We both contributed to our difficulties. Lies, assumptions, disappointments, excessive expectations. They all caused unendurable pain for the both of us. We continued to blame each other for mistakes instead of making an effort to solve it and talk it out. We had this despicable idea that one of us was tolerating the other more and how one is guiltier than the other.

But in truth, neither of us was guilty, or completely innocent.

We both fucked up in our own ways. I fucked up. And I cannot and will never be able to find the right apology to express how I sorry I am. I regret it all so much. I regret hurting you. Making you cry for nights. Causing irreversible pain. When all I've wanted to do was prove to you that you're safe with me, that you're safe here.

Our challenges became more complicated as the days went on. We loved each other so much, so much to even die to save our creation, but resented the path we were heading. You continued to accuse me of lying, when I didn't. You should've believed me that night, Mizu. You should've never left then.. You should've listened to what I had to say. None of this would have happened if you just believed what I told you. Because really, it was complete honesty. You chose not to believe it and I can't even blame you for doing so. It was my fault for causing instability in our relationship in the beginning. I'm at fault for everything. Even stupid misunderstandings like these.

Already a whole week has gone by since you left and the pain does not cease to fade in the least. This is literally killing me. Losing sleep, weight, happiness. These tears seem unstoppable. You're on my mind all fucking day and it torments me because you're no longer here. Everything hurts because I love you so much. I would really rather die than go through this. Going to bed at night thinking of how much I need you, followed by endless dreams of you that haunt my sleep, only to wake up disappointed because I realize you've abandoned me. I am never going to get used to this. I've never felt a heartache as bad as this one.

Being with you all the time has caused me to distance myself from others, and I did not mind that at all. You were all I needed. The idea of being happy with anyone else has never, ever crossed my mind. You were the only one important since the beginning. You were the only one that mattered. You were my world, my everything. And with your absence, I've no choice but to feel hollow inside. This whole time, it was all about you. I centered my life around you. I put myself through pathetic situations just to make you stay. I gave you everything I had to my name.

So with that being said, no. I won't give up on you.

I hate myself for being so selfish. All you want to do is get rid of me and erase every memory you've stored while I desperately rummage to pick up every thing that is lost. Maybe you'll be better without me. You'll find someone who'll stay true to you, who'll make you smile every single day, and match up to your expectations unlike me. While I just dwell here, awaiting for you to notice me just once. I can't bring myself to give up on someone I've felt so much with because of complications that got in the way. I won't let those damn misunderstandings ruin my hopes.

I'm waiting for things to turn around for the better. I'm going to wait for you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011 @ 8:10 PM

It's sad when you can notice people running out of things to say to comfort your aching heart. Sympathy is just about all they can give you because it's unfortunate to watch someone drown their broken self in false hope. You resist the truth because it hurts. The truth is what will end up killing you.

You claim to have hope left when deep inside, you're unsure. You just want to hear those words from someone, even if it's coming from your own mouth. You act blindly optimistic because everyone around you is so fucking negative. You want to desperately hold on to the exquisite memories you've cherished for so long. It's difficult to believe that someone you held so damn close to your heart has grown so incredibly distant in a matter of days.. You don't want to face this. Not by yourself.

There is only one person that can save you from this misery.

But they choose not to.

@ 5:29 PM

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 @ 11:19 PM

It hurts. It hurts so much.

@ 2:33 PM

I'm human too..

With a weak heart and thoughts that engulf every inch of my being.

I can only withstand so much until I break.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011 @ 5:37 PM

At times I smile at the thought of you. At times I cry at the thought of you. And at times I hate how I’m like this.

I just want my happiness back.
@ 3:28 PM

To put things bluntly, I don't need anyone's sympathy.

I'm not asking for it nor have I ever sought a lecture about how much of an imbecile I am. My intentions aren't to waste your time and burden you as you each have your own life to deal with.

Everyone tells me the same shit. The same exact phrase is repeated over and over again.

"You'll be fine."
"I'm sorry."
"You deserved better anyway."

To me, those words seem empty like careless words used to spare someone's broken heart. Those words sound like lies to my ears. Been there, done that. I know for a fact that I can't endure through this like any other strong person. It's not that I can't get over him. I just don't want to. I can't give up so easily on something that has so much value to me. I can't afford to lose this opportunity. I'm certain that I won't be fine nor do I deserve better, because he was truly the greatest. There is no "better" in my book. Nothing will disprove that.

I'm in desperate need of motivation. Something that will push me to accomplish what has always been stuck in my mind. To go after him even with the risks of increasing the distance between us. Pride isn't something that matters to me at this point. I'm prepared to put everything aside in order to redeem what I've had. Just once, I need someone to tell me that I need him. To run after him. To follow my heart. To go do what will make me most happy.

Being certain of my feelings doesn't seem to be enough. I'm afraid to try. I just need someone to clarify what my heart has been longing to tell me.
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