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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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2012, long ass post
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 11:15 AM

12/31 Last day of 2009; I've already thought about what I've done the past year, and I'm not going to write about it. (:

Everyone's fucking spazzing over 2012, since it's in 2 more years, and I think they need to CALM THE FUCK DOWN. I'm going to laugh my flat ass off at those fuck tards when nothing happens on 12/21/12 11:11. I decided to write about this bull shit because yesterday, I was bored and looked at what my sister was doing. She was looking at this site:, it's about 2012 (obviously) and they give info and shit bout how 2012 is real and blablabla. How. Fucking. Stupid. And what's more ridiculous is that they have a counter thing that counts down til that day. Okay first of all, everyone needs to shut the fuck up because 2012 is FAKE. Some shit that the media made up to make money. Every fucking year or so, people make up some shit that says that the world will end. For example) People predicted that the world was going to end in 1999. Did it? No.
They also predicted that the world would end in 1998, 2000~2008. Fail.
Second of all, the bible does not state when the world is going to end. And I don't think God will kill everyone when half the people he has chosen haven't even been transfigured, or haven't even been BORN YET. God will end it when everything is perfect in his eyes. I'm christian, so I believe this. :)
Now, if you want a 'scientific explanation', here you go.

On December 13th 2012 the Earth will come in to perfect alignment between the sun and the center of the galaxy, this much is true. This alignment will cause the earth to be affected by additional gravity, this is also true. So the theory goes that the additional gravity created by the alignment will knock the earth out of it’s orbit, and possibly into the path of a comet – BOOM!! There you have your end of days theory. However, there is one teeny weenie point that seems to have been overlooked by the people who propound this theory, well, er, two points actually…

1: The additional gravity created by the alignment is teeny weenie. It’s minuscule on the cosmic scale and would barely register.

2: This alignment that’s supposed to send us spinning out of control, happens EVERY December 21st. It happened last year in 2008, it also happened a couple of months after the battle of Hastings in 1066, and again in 1067. It will happen again this year on December 21st 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, 13, 14, 15 and so on.

So!! - on December 21st 2012 you can sleep easy, you WILL SEE December 22nd and go on to have a nice Xmas. :D

I’m sorry to be a kill joy to the masses who love this theory. In fact I’m so sorry that I’m prepared to make amends. If you REALLY AND TRULY want something to worry about, keep in mind April 13th 2036 – this is when Comet Apophys REALLY COULD slam in to the Earth.

Poles are switching everyday, this isn't going to happen all in just 1 day. This process takes thousands of years. Throughout geological history there has been may pole switches and life has still survived.
People are saying these poles will switch in one day due to a black hole. That's NOT true. The nearest black hole to our galaxy is 1600 light years away.

The only time the world will end is when the sun burns out in a exactly 2.34 zillion years. The sun will burn out because it's a giant star and every star burns out. So in OUR lifetime, the earth will not end.
People, chill the fuck out, and live life. Stop worrying about shit that isn't going to happen. Seriously, if 2012 was real, everyone would do everything and anything they want to do and this world would be in fuckin' chaos for the next 2 years. Nobody would work, because who wants to waste their LAST TWO YEARS OF LIFE WORKING? = People wouldn't survive a week without anyone working. Maybe that will be the end of the world. Because people assume shit.

Grounded, obviously & Codie.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 2:04 PM

On Sunday, something happened. Not going to tell you, cause I don't feel like it, and it's nothing to brag about anyways. On Monday and Tuesday, I went to my church retreat, and repented. Monday night was the most I've cried in like, ever. I thought about what I've done this past year, and I was pretty disappointed in myself. I decided to become a better person starting from Monday, and I'm trying to change. It's going to be hard, I know, but I think I can do it.

Don't text, even though I'm sure most of you have during the past few days.
I probably have like at least 300 texts, haha. My mom has my phone, and I don't know whats going to happen to it.
&Not going to be on the computer much until my parents forgive me. I'm going to be on for 5 mins ~ 3 hours. Not everyday, maybe every other day? I don't know.

Holy fucking shit, I miss you. It seems like it's been over a year since I've talked to you, but it's only been like 2~3 DAYS. I'm sorry I haven't told you what's up, and disappeared without saying anything for three days. It's cause I haven't had any time or any thing to contact you with. I miss you and love you so so so much. <333333333333333333333333333333333

There's absolutely no way you can contact me, even if you know me in real life, because I AM GROUNDED. Can't go anywhere, or do anything cause my parents can't trust me anymore.

P.S//&&ALEX, DAMN, you've been with Adiam for 617 Days? I'm jealous gurl.

Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 9:28 AM

I'm actually feeling kind of okay today. I say kind of because my stomach doesn't feel so great. I feel so bloated, even when I barely ate anything yesterday. I really hate how my body works.

The Christmas Eve event went better than I thought it would. Can't believe I learned that dance in less than 5 hours. I'm so pro, haaaaah. I messed up AT LEAST 20 times, but I don't think anyone noticed. TEE HEE

Anyways, why is the title for this post, 'Wonderful..NOT'? Because today is horrible. I didn't expect any presents from my parents, and didn't get any. So no surprise there. Today was supposed to be fuckin' peaceful, and all happy and shit. My family were supposed to spend quality time together, eating hella' good dinner and get fat. Instead of that, we're starving ourselves, working our asses off at my parents' work place, which is a BAD ASS place to be by the way, since it's located in the ghetto-est fucking neighborhood ever. I'm not racist or anything, but I'm getting sick and tired of how these niggers act. So loud and ridiculous. All they know how to do in this neighborhood is eat, get wasted/high and get laid. We were going to close the store and go home around four, but it's 6pm right now, and they're planning keeping the store open until fucking TEN, cause all the stores are closed, and that means more customers will come to their store. I understand, more money is good, but come ON, today's CHRISTMAS. Let's go home and fucking do something. This was definitely not what I expected Christmas to be this year.

And ben, I hope you get better. I'm sure the pain from the operation on your anus will go away soon. :)

X-Mas Eve
Thursday, December 24, 2009 @ 8:38 AM

God, I shouldn't have came on the computer this morning.
Then I wouldn't have seen something that ruined my whole day.
Another day, fucked up. Woo. Life's getting worse, haha.

As you may all know, today's Christmas Eve. YAY! No.
I feel bad as fuck today, can't believe I gotta go up on a stage, act all happy, and DANCE in front of hundreds of people. I feel like the Grinch, seriously, if I see anyone bragging about how much presents they're getting for x-mas, I'm going to bitch at them. I'm definitely not in the Christmas spirit. Shocker.

I don't know what the fuck is up with me these days.
I just feel so down. Someone please make my day.

Mood : obviously, depressed.
Only one person can fix that. Hopefully that person will realize this, and DO IT.
Hm, I guess shit happened without me knowing.

New beginning
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 7:14 PM

I finally decided to post some shit in this mother fucker. When'd I make this, like last week? And this is my FIRST post. Haaaah. I won't be posting much because there's absolutely nothing to rant/talk about. But whatever, I just hope this won't be one of the things I start and quit the next fuckin' month. :)

Right now, I'm just glad that I'm on fucking break, cause my life is horrible. I mean, school is great and all, cause you get to see your friends, and they usually make my day, but it's hard putting on a FAKE SMILE and try to be nice to everyone when you're not feeling GOOD. Well, I'm not nice to people on a regular basis, but you know what I mean. My parents are fucking HORRIBLE. They ruined my day to go to Savannah's bonfire shit. I probably missed out on alot. Fuck my life. Then they made me take out my hair extensions cause they thought I looked like shit. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN OPINIONS, I GOT MINE. If it looked good to ME, on MY head, then they should shut the fuck up and not say anything. It ain't THEIR hair, it's mine. Let me worry about my own shit, please. They tried making me take out ALL OF THE hair glue that is stuck onto my head, with like some hair grease or something. Fucking grossest shit ever. I washed my hair like 10 times afterwards, and my hair is STILL GREASY. That's one of the reasons why I don't want to go outside, cause I look like shit.

And tommorows Christmas Eve. Wonderful ain't it.
Not really. I have to do some kind of cheesy lookin' dance, no offense to whoever reads this from church, but yeah. I still haven't even learned the first 10 seconds of it yet. FUCK. I'm so dead, haha.
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