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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011 @ 6:12 PM

If you come to me for "advice" when you're broken, the most I'll tell you is to be patient with yourself. Time heals all. Don't listen to what others, including me, say and try to teach you about life because unless you experience it first hand, you'll never completely get it through your head. It's difficult to comprehend something you haven't seen or dealt with yourself. You have to break down sometimes. To feel better, but also to learn. You'll learn how to protect yourself from falling down the same ditch again. You'll learn to grow up, and that being so naive is never any good. There's a heavy cost to every good lesson. After every mistake, you learn how to overcome and possibly even prevent it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011 @ 4:30 PM

Why do people fake online and feel the need to deny everything that gets thrown at them after they've been busted? Just come clean and admit it. I don't give a fuck about your pictures or whatever you may have lied about in the past. I care if you're man enough to admit the truth rather than covering your shit up with even more obvious lies. -1 Respect.

@ 1:06 PM

I think I'm able to make a lot of people happy. Just as long as they don't fuck with my morals or beliefs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 @ 12:20 AM

If your boyfriend goes to your girl best friend for relationship advice, it's highly likely that he'll admire her more than you in the end. JUST SAYING.


Monday, July 25, 2011 @ 8:09 PM

Sometimes, we see the world through the lens of possessions or "stuff." We live in a material world that teaches us that "He who dies with the most toys wins." We have to have the fastest car, the nicest clothes, the latest phone, the best hairstyle, and the many other things that're supposed to bring us happiness. Possessions also come in the form of titles and accomplishments, such as head cheerleader, lead in a play, student body president, etc.

There is nothing wrong with accomplishing and enjoying our stuff but we should never center our lives on things, which in the end have no lasting value. Our confidence needs to come from within, not from without, from the quality of our hearts, not the quantity of things we own. After all, he who dies with the most toys.. Still dies.

"If who I am is what I have and what I have is lost, then who am I?"


Haters gon' hate.
@ 8:05 PM

People are gonna say what they're gonna say, as long as you know who you are then that’s all that really matters. People are always going to try and find a reason to not like you. People are going to judge, they’re going to criticize, and come to find out some people aren’t going to like you because well….you're you. Kind of a pathetic reason but it’s bound to happen. People are going to judge and the ones judging are most likely the people who don’t even know you. Why worry though? You just have to continue to do you. Don’t try and comprehend a hater's mind- their reasons are probably ridiculous and insignificant. You know what you're about, you know your intentions. You probably have more people who like and appreciate you are rather than these shit talkin' haters that should amount to nothing of importance in your life.

@ 5:09 PM

You must be a sorceress 'cause you just, did the impossible; gained my trust.

@ 4:45 PM

It's amazing how one person can trick others into thinking they're happy. On the outside, they have the brightest smile anyone could possibly have. They paste on smiles wide enough to make others want to smile. They surround themselves with a wide group of people and they seem to have the greatest tastes, humor, and even love. But on the inside, they're hollow. They're broken, empty, and alone just like the rest of us. It's amazing how one can manage a facade for so long.

@ 4:38 PM

@ 2:09 PM

I have too many dreams that seem so real.

Saturday, July 23, 2011 @ 8:38 PM

One fire burns out, another's burning,

One pain is lessen'd by another's anguish.

— William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet

@ 1:09 PM

There are some things we do because we convince ourselves it would be better for everyone involved. We tell ourselves that it's the right thing to do, the altruistic thing to do. It's far easier than telling ourselves the truth.

Friday, July 22, 2011 @ 3:08 PM

Push me to the fullest, make me want to give up something I treasure to gain your attention. Make me want to change and better myself. Open up my imagination and help me look at the world from a wide array of lenses. Teach me your ways and I'll teach you mine. Everything's worth a hundred times more when there's effort included. I don't want to receive anything from you without trying. I want to earn your trust and your love because it'll mean nothing if you just hand it to me. I want everything to mean so much more. If it's easy to obtain, the easier it is to lose it. I want my efforts to count. And once I obtain it, I want to feel content. The feeling of completeness. I want to know that everything I've done is worth it.

@ 2:56 PM

First introduce yourself, smile, and lets see if there is a connection between us. Once that kicks off well, tell me about yourself other than just your name, where you work at, what you’re majoring in and your number.

Literally tell me about yourself. Tell me what made you what you are to this day. Tell me why you are who you are now and who made you. Who broke you? How are you feeling now?

Take your time and tell me about your childhood. Tell me about your first crush and what you held close as a child. Did you ever feel lost? Are there any scars on your body? Tell me what you wanted to be back then.

How was your first heartbreak like? Was your first wound to your heart really the deepest? Did you go through any betrayals? Any regrets? Tell me how are you holding on now.

Tell me about your happiest moments. What were the times life seemed the easiest? Tell me how it started to get complicated. Are things much harder now?

Tell me how you see the world and how you see life. Tell me about your goals, what you’re trying to do now, and how you will achieve them. Tell me what gives you the most strength. Tell me about your struggles. What brings you back up from the worst?

What in life turned your world around? What were the lessons life tried to teach you. Tell me about your sweet dreams to the darkest nightmares that had you waking up in the night. When did reality hit you in the face that had you change you?

Tell me about the people who never left and the ones who didn’t stay. Tell me when light started to shine when your skies kept staying gray. Tell me what’s your favorite weather, tell me how it makes you feel.

What is your favorite place to relax your mind? What is something you do to relax your mind?

I’d like to know your deepest desires, your passion, what you’d like to do before there is no light left to shine. Tell me about you because you’re better than a book you can’t keep your hands off of. You, alone, hold little/big parts of life that no one knows. Not even many people know everything. Your story deserves to be heard.

I hope you know I’m dying to know more if you interest me. I can’t get into your skin or walk in your shoes. I can’t be you for a day and I find you being what I wake up to and find different emotions thrown at me throughout the day. You’re a mystery I want to live with. You spark my curiosity. Who can blame me to have interest in you? I don’t care if you’re weird. In the end, I might not need to ask anything and we’ll share so much in so little time.

I have all the time in the world.


@ 1:47 PM

I tell it like it is because it is what it is.

@ 1:42 PM

You aren't cool because you go to parties every weekend. You aren't hipster because you have a Tumblr. You aren't popular because you add everyone on Facebook. What you have doesn't define who you are, and doing things that're unethical will bring you down. I hope you realize that soon.

@ 1:25 PM

I truly admire those who are capable of thoroughly speaking their mind.

Saturday, July 16, 2011 @ 2:52 PM

It's not that I don't care. I just don't know what to say.

@ 1:27 PM

Everyday seems to be getting better and better. Why? Because he's finally mine.

For some reason, I'm greatly attracted by everything he does. He's different than the rest. In my eyes at least. I have this longing to spend every breathing second with him. I want to know everything about him, even the insignificant details like which brand of soap he uses to wash his hands. It's like I'm feeling everything for the first time again when it comes to him.

"You're hard to please." Every word in that sentence applies to me. I do expect a lot, so I give as much as I expect, but in turn I don't receive the amount I've worked for. Every bit of him makes me happy though, all the way down to his imperfections. When he tries, he does enough to please me. He puts a smile on my face, effortlessly, and that makes me certain that he's a keeper.

A strong foundation is needed in order to keep something up for a long period of time. Without one, you can pretty much say that it's impossible to have anything sturdy built on top of it. Realistically speaking, our relationship didn't quite start off on the right note. We've had our share of bad occurrences, and had a dose of what it's like to be apart from each other, willingly and unwillingly. Back then we were too ignorant and childlike to tell the differences between what was real and what was not. Luckily, we were both given another chance to start anew. To build a stronger foundation and finish what we failed to complete. Our relationship is fragile, yes, it's capable of breaking in any given moment. But that's only if we allow it. We were given another chance to give our all and see where this takes us, not to give up when things get difficult. We were given another chance to prove ourselves.

One of the things that I find strangely attractive: He doesn't coddle me. Most girls prefer to be babied by their lovers but that's something I'm not very fond of. I've always wanted a relationship that's serious, past all the lovey-dovey bull shit, and that's exactly what he gives me.

I think it's safe to admit that I'm crazy for him. I can't see myself with anyone else but him. I know that I want to belong to him, and no one else. Good things await as long as we endure and pull through whatever comes our way. I can't promise a perfect relationship, and I know I won't always be the perfect girlfriend, but I'll give it all in hopes that he'll do the same. I know we can make this work. We've both taken our time to think about us before we decided to cross paths again. We've already been through the bad, and now it's time to experience the good.

@ 1:06 PM

I don't understand why people lie when they'll get busted in the end. Like the wise says, "The truth always surfaces." The results are obvious and most times it's clearly visible that they're lying. I'm not as gullible as I seem. I'm not the type of person to confront you and straight up point out exactly what you've lied about and demand an explanation, because shit, you'll probably lie about that too. Your dishonesty only gets you so far. I'm the type of person to just sit back and watch you act your way out to see how long you'll keep that shit up.

Lying won't be a big deal if you admit to it. I'm an easy, forgiving person. I don't like to hold grudges against others. If you admit and apologize, our relationship won't change. But once I find out that you've lied and you continue to lie through your teeth and act like it doesn't bother your damn conscience, then it'll be that much harder for you to regain my trust afterwards. That is, if we still end up talking.

@ 12:53 PM

There's always that one phase in a relationship where you both try and see who can go longer without talking to the other. Constantly checking your phone for any phone calls, or messages because as much as you want to win, all you really want to do is talk to them. But you don't want to come off as clingy, so you play along for as long as you can. Then finally when someone cracks, no matter who did first, you're glad it's over. Chances are, you realize something. The day just doesn't seem complete without them.

@ 12:42 PM

I've changed a lot. I'm not as good at expressing my emotions as I used to be. I'm not saying that being reserved is a bad thing, I just miss how open I was about how I felt. I can't really put my finger on why I've been blocked off from my feelings, but it's hard to deal with. Only a select few have witnessed me open up but even then, my feelings don't fully penetrate their minds.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 @ 3:53 PM

First actual food item I've put in my mouth in 2 days: French fries. F being healthy.

@ 3:44 PM

So confused, I want to ask you if you love me, but I don't want to seem so weak.

Monday, July 11, 2011 @ 6:49 PM

You know what sucks? Thinking that I might never be able to meet you. I’ll probably go my whole life without seeing your smile in person, without feeling your skin touch mine, without being able to physically look into your eyes, without ever feeling your arms around me. I’m tired of telling you how much I care about you I want be able to show you. I’m sorry pictures and phone calls will never be enough, I need you to be here.

@ 2:59 PM

Boy: Baby are you jealous?
Girl: No.
Boy: Baby are you jealous?
Girl: No.
Boy: Baby are you jealous?
Girl: I already told you, No!
Boy: Baby can I get a kiss?


@ 5:27 AM

Here it goes again. This heavy feeling in my chest when I have no desire to speak or move. All I wish to do is close my eyes and sleep but my thoughts continue to haunt me and there seems to be no escape from this nightmare.

@ 5:22 AM

To keep this love - this perfect bond between two different people,
you keep fighting to keep it.
You keep doing what you can and try to agree with one another.
You get stubborn. You fight. You yell. You disagree.
But we do crazy shit for love, especially for the love we know is right.

Love has no expiration date.

You only find better love to replace old love you had in the past that you no longer exists.

When you find the perfect love you need,
the kind of love that makes you want to be better,
that is the kind of love to keep.

This love won’t be “perfect”.
This love will be perfect for you and only you.
Perfect enough to lace up your loose stitches and mend you broken heart.
That kind of perfect that gives you the ultimate feeling of immunity when anything came in your way.

And guess what?
Having someone you love being part of your day makes your day 100% better.
You have comfort. You have a guide.
You have someone that loves you for you.
So find the love you need. Don’t go for less.

source: John

@ 5:05 AM

The memories that are embedded with songs I used to listen to..they're painful. There's always a song that just reminds me of a certain person that used to mean so much to me but they're no longer in my life.

@ 5:02 AM

So many thoughts running through my head at this time of night. I'm afraid that if I close my eyes and attempt to fall asleep, those thoughts will swallow me whole. They're like crashing waves that drown me until I can't breathe anymore.

@ 3:18 AM

The truth surfaces eventually right? But what about when you don't want to accept the truth? What will you do then. Shall you live in a world filled with made up lies to inflate your hopes for a temporary moment of happiness? Or just face it and feel fucking suffocated for a long period of time.

I have no idea what to do with myself.

@ 2:54 AM

None of this even fucking matters without you.

@ 2:50 AM

If you only knew.

@ 2:46 AM

What about me? Hm, where do I come in to this equation. All of this has been about how you feel, what you think, what you WANT to do, and where you want this to go.

Where's my say in this or did I never have a say at all. Do you not care or have you even bothered to listen and remember everything I've mentioned? What about what I want. What about what I think is right? What about my feelings, my goals, my opinions, my wants and my needs?

I feel so useless.

Alter your perception.
Friday, July 8, 2011 @ 2:04 PM

We control how we react depending on how we choose to contemplate a situation. You can look at a glass half empty or half full. You decide how you feel. The way you perceive your surroundings determine your mood. No one is hopelessly unhappy because there's a brighter side to every situation. It might be difficult for you to see the light in the midst of thick darkness but it's there and it always will be. By altering your perception, you can look at the world from a different point of view. You shouldn't be filled with negativity and put your self down, but neither should you be unnecessarily cocky. Just remember, your perception is your reality. If you consider things to be dull and boring, than they're nothing but dull and boring. Take the time to scan your surroundings and review your life. Did you consciously decide to create the reality you're living now, or was it mainly shaped by your parents, friends, or even the media? If you aren't fond of the story of your living, then change the perception. Be the author of your own life, take charge and envision the next chapter of your story. We all claim to know everything about ourselves and insist that we live our own life so we should be able to do whatever we wish to do, but exactly how many of us actually take that advantage and use it to the fullest? Everything begins with a decision, decide now to be in charge of your own perception of reality. If you don't, there are plenty of others whose sole purpose in life is to craft that perception for you.

@ 1:42 PM

Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Explaining why I'm sorry seems to be even harder for me. Those two words are always choked up in my throat, resisting to come out.

It's difficult to admit my faults and wrong doings. "I'm sorry" is something that rarely comes out of my mouth right next to "I love you". I'd rather live in guilt and suffer from the inside out than having to admit my conscience-stricken actions. Words seem to be nothing more than empty these days and I want my actions to reveal my remorseful thoughts. There's nothing more apologetic than turning your thoughts into action instead of just spitting out words to simply get things over with.

When exactly..
@ 1:30 PM

Does the cliché crap come in?
The part where we are able to read each other like a book.
The part where we talk for hours without getting bored.
The part where we do even the most simple things together.
The part where my rants mean something to you.
The part where you don’t just push me aside for your friends.
The part where you stick around no matter what kind of mood I am in.
The part where you keep trying to cheer me up instead of just letting me be.
The part where I get a response after I pour my heart out to you.
The part where I leave you a long message and I get just as much back if not more.
The part where loyalty is everything.
The part where you let each word of mine sink in instead of waiting for me to shut up.
The part where you man up to have an argument.
The part where you go to my blog to find out what’s going on in my head.

Does all this ever come or what?

from: Shaily

I don't leave.
@ 1:25 PM

I'm the type of person that will be by your side to help you up when you're down. When you've been rejected by everyone else, you can come to me and I'll gladly accept you with open arms. Even if you have never been there for me, I'll be there when you call. When you're in need of advice, I'm there. Need to get things off your chest? My ears are wide open. I can be there to listen to your problems and worries without judging. When you need a simple laugh or you're in need of a smile, I'm there. When you feel like you need company or when you're starting to feel fucked over, I'm there. While everyone leaves your side, I won't move a muscle. I walk into people's lives for a sole reason: To stay. They may walk out of mine but at least I can proudly claim that I'm not a quitter. You may not have been reliable to me in the past, but it's all good. I'm not worried about how good of a friend you are, I'm worried about how good of a friend I can be.

Don't consider me as a prudish suck up or a fool. I'm not stupid or dramatically nice, I just consider loyalty extremely important. I have loyalty to those around me. Ever of heard respect? To some people, respect is a give and take thing. To me, respect is something you earn. I may not have respect for you, but I want you to have respect for me.

The social superficials.
@ 1:05 PM

You may have a great social life. You may surround yourself with numerous faces and try to make yourself well-known. Does any of that really matter? No matter how hard you try, you can't kid yourself. Imagine a situation between life and death. Before you know it, you start eliminating all of the people who would save you instead of them selves. No one is really left. They're all considered your 'friends', yet, how many of them would really sacrifice their self for you?

At the end of the day, right before you close your eyes to go to sleep, that's when you realize how alone you really are.

What's on your mind?
@ 12:53 PM

I'm curious. I want to know what you're thinking about, what you like, what you don't like, what song you listen to the most, what you ate for breakfast, and most importantly, if I ever cross your mind. Even if it's just for a split second. It'd be great if I could read your mind, but since I can't, I want to hear it from you. Do me a favor and don't sugar coat anything. I want to hear your truth, no matter how blunt and raw it is. I want to hear your thoughts, uncensored and unedited.


Just take the time to listen.
@ 12:52 PM

Everyone is fighting a battle of their own. Day in and day out. Everyone keeps a secret which they will protect with their very lives. We pass the judgment on each other, while drawing conclusions based off what we think we know. Truth is, we don’t know a thing. The surface is a lie, and yet its the surface that we use to put together these opinions we have of another. If we were to take a step back for a moment, we could realize that things aren’t what they appear to be. A smile can mask away years of tears and frowns. Confidence could be a cover up for low self esteem. Bold actions and words could hide your fears. And the people that appear to have everything under control are habitually the ones that are the most terrified. So remember these things before you judge one or before you speak ill of another. We all will struggle, and continue to have our secrets. Nobody is as collected as they make themselves out to be you see.


@ 12:51 PM

Why am I the spitting image of someone that I'd rather like to forget?

Thursday, July 7, 2011 @ 10:25 AM

That awkward moment when you want to be the only important person in someone's life but you find out that you're not.

Monday, July 4, 2011 @ 3:34 PM

@ 1:09 PM

And every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh and if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass and I will keep you company through those days so long and black.

@ 12:26 AM


Added on to the list of things that make me want to kill myself

@ 12:03 AM

As much as I appreciate the easy and simple things in life, there are times where I enjoy being challenged. I've always wanted someone that wasn't too easy to obtain and keep. Someone that seems impossible to figure out but you end up knowing who they are to their core, somewhat like a math problem. Someone that makes me think for hours before I make a decision. Someone that frustrates me so much that they deprive me of sleep but also is capable of making me the happiest girl in the world. Someone who can deal with my endless debating and is also witty enough to argue back a point, proving me wrong. Someone who can make me laugh and cry. Someone who isn't ashamed enough to share their side of the story. Someone with goals, morals, aspirations, and a future planned out. Someone who can handle immaturity, but knows exactly when to be serious. Someone that makes me want to change and better myself.

I think I've found that someone. You're complication at it's best.

Sunday, July 3, 2011 @ 11:54 PM

@ 11:52 PM

"Either I'm going to be forever alone or I just prefer long distance relationships."

@ 11:05 PM

Ever since I was a little kid, people have always criticized me. What's there to criticize about a 6 year old girl who recently moved to a foreign country with little to no guidance from her parents, struggling to get by everyday with no companionship from her peers? A lot, apparently. Just like every first grader, I've had my share of immaturity and mistakes. You'd expect people to laugh it off and forgive and forget, but for some odd reason, they could never forget my wrong doings. No, they weren't illegal or anything. I wasn't a juvenile criminal master mind that tried to make people suffer for my own enjoyment, just a small girl trying to enjoy life despite the unfortunate events. I didn't have much back then. My family was poor, we could hardly speak English, and the adults were never around so most of the responsibilities were automatically placed in the hands of a 6 year old. But when you're a small kid, nothing gets to you. Consequences aren't dire and even the smallest things become a bliss. The dearth of my necessities? I didn't bother to look at them twice. I was grateful for the things I was given and was content with them. Sadly though, people thought differently.

Because I was a growing kid without much guidance from her own mother and father, people looked down on me. They considered me as a failure.

"Success is the last thing that she'll achieve," They said.

The idea of "bad" never left their thoughts when they would see me. When I walked by, they'd whisper behind my back. Rumors spread like wild fire; I would know that better than anyone. Bull shit lies would circle around and I'd have no choice but to receive glares that felt like knives as I would walk by. People would pay attention to the tiniest details and pick out at least one damned thing about me to talk about. Everything I did was considered wrong, a failed attempt, bad, pathetic, stupid, and the list goes on. Oh and don't think that I didn't try to play extra nice to change their thoughts about me because I did and it didn't help.

Nothing would scream out "Fuck you," louder than showing off my success to those who underestimate me. My plan for success is not only to make my parents proud, but it's also to prove all of those motherfuckers wrong. So much hate, yet they don't realize it's only helping me gain inspiration to reach higher towards my goals.


@ 10:51 PM

There is nothing more attractive to me than a man who feels upon his words.

Hey you,
@ 10:30 PM

One thing that people seem to fail to understand is that they can't hold on to something that doesn't want them. We're human beings, we were born to change. We learn, adapt, and find different interests that constantly change as we age. You can't blame someone for their change of feelings because it's an uncontrollable factor. I had to learn that the hard way. Things come and go, you know? There are some things that you'd like to keep forever but you end up losing. Then you look back at yourself 10 years later and you realize that you're glad that you lost it. You're just better off without some things. Screw the people that don't want you, you'll do great without them. What I'm trying to say is, the way you feel at this moment isn't forever. It'll change. Whether it be 20 years from now or even a minute later. That sharp pain that you feel whenever you inhale and exhale because of how broken you are; that'll eventually go away. Things just take time and you need to let things take it's course. Time heals everything.
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