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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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There is no such thing as perfection.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 @ 8:31 AM

No one is perfect because everyone has room for improvement. Perfection is unreal and it's humanely impossible.

Sometimes we look at people and think that they are flawless and their life is perfect. It's okay to want to have something that someone else possesses and sometimes we do it without noticing. It's a natural human characteristic and we must ensure that it doesn't get out of hand.

Let's say that you switched lives with the person you think that has the perfect life. You'll probably be able to pinpoint their flaws almost immediately. Everyone finds flaws within themselves and we all wish to become flawless. No matter who you are, you'll always want to be better. Just face it, no one is perfect.

You should never compare yourself to others and want to become just like them, because well, that just won't happen. You'll never actually be that person. You're you, they're them. So don't be hard on yourself because you'll never be able to be as 'perfect' as them. Why not be your own individual and be happy with what you've got?

Perfection is when everything is in it's place and correct. Seeking for perfection is a beautiful journey and knowing that it can never be reached is even better. Because once it is reached, there is nothing there. No learning, no searching, no excitement. I think that people live to improve. People live to change, people live to accomplish and create. Once perfection is reached, there is nothing to do, because everything will be complete.

We should be focused in personal development without comparing ourselves to others. Although you might have times where you feel like you're going nowhere, you need to realize that everyone lacks control of their life. Everyone gets stressed out and we all get irritated. Be happy with your imperfections and think about how much you've accomplished.
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