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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010 @ 12:35 PM

thenakedcollegestudent: North Korea just attacked South Korea, followed by a response attack by South Korea.

US, China, and Russia have all taken notice and issued responses. China is a North Korean ally and the US and Russia are South Korean allies. If China steps up in defense of North Korea, shits about to get heavy.

Woooo, WWIII and nuclear holocaust here we come.

drift-boy: im not korean, but this is wrong…i just hope my fellow chinese ppl will know the right decisions on who to help or not…

UM, I hope your Chinese people are smart enough to make the right decision too.
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