You're so strange.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
@ 6:13 PM
Remember when we were best friends? I helped you with your problems and you helped me deal with mine. You gave me advice and you helped me get through some hard times. We used to talk so much during the day which made a lot of people misunderstand about some things between us. I never expected our relationship to go down the drain, but it did. You told me you hated me and you kicked me out of your life. Sure, I was offended but it didn't hurt me. I miss talking to you but I don't need you.
You're the one that wanted me out of your life. I respected your decision and walked out of it. I'm not going to hold on to someone that doesn't want me.
Then recently, you start talking to me about the weirdest thing. It was so random, so strange. You know, I never thought about you until now. You were completely erased from my memories but you just HAD to come back and remind me.
I started thinking about all the good things about you. How understanding you were and how much you cared about me. But you're also the person that told me you never wanted to speak to me again and left me. You did it for yourself because something about me was holding you down. I know I hurt you a lot and I do think you breaking our friendship was one way for you to feel better. But I don't think that was necessary. You could've coped with it some other way.
I'm still wondering why you started that conversation with me. Why the hell did you do that?