I give up.
Monday, October 11, 2010
@ 10:51 PM
I give up on the things I can't have, especially if it's a person I know I can't have. If it's beyond my abilities and no matter how hard I try, I cannot get that person to fall for me, I'll give up.
I'm not saying I give up easily. But there is a limit to everything, and my patience is limited.
I guess you could say it's because I'm weak and I don't have enough strength to hold on long enough and wait and see if they'll fall for me or not. If nothing happens then I'll eventually move on because I see no point in waiting for something that isn't going to happen. And I guess those who stay for the one's they've truly fallen for are the strongest; they wait and wait and wait and don't know when to give up.
In my point of view, I find that incredibly stupid. Others however, may beg to differ. They might find it appealing and romantic. But why wait for someone, why get your hopes up for someone that is obviously never going to fall in love with you? Yes, it's true that you can't control who you fall for. So the least you can do is hide your feelings. Don't make yourself look vulnerable. Don't make yourself look weak and desperate for that one person you desire. And most importantly, don't you dare think that continuously showing them affection will make them start liking you. Some people find that unattractive. It only makes you look foolish.