Wednesday, August 31, 2011
@ 5:42 PM
Back when I knew nothing, back when I was naive and innocent, it took a whole lot to bring me down. Not one thing got to me. My heart had the durability of a boulder, but it still contained warmth. I did not see any imperfections or perfections within myself. I didn't want more or less; I was simply content.
Inevitably, much of time has passed and everything went through its course. The process of growing up began when I came upon a minor obstacle that merely impeded my main purpose. From then on, the challenges I had to face became more difficult. It wasn't much long until it was to the point where everything was overwhelming to handle. As the number of worries grew, the colder I became. My smooth edges turned rough and the vibrant glow in my eyes were dimmed. The child who never once was dissatisfied now found imperfections in every inch of herself. I started getting afraid and the littlest, most insignificant details about my day had me up thinking all night. My heart grew weak and it was no longer able to withstand and tolerate as much as it used to. It didn't take much to break me. It doesn't take much to break me. I have walls built around myself without an inch of gap. I just want to feel safe.
@ 5:04 PM
Time goes by unbearably slow when you aren't here.
Friday, August 26, 2011
@ 7:11 PM
You have no idea what you do to me. You can make me feel more emotions in one second than I would normally feel in a year.
@ 6:55 PM
Failing doesn't hurt. Rejection doesn't hurt. Disapproval doesn't hurt.
What truly hurts is knowing that you aren't good enough. When it finally hits you in the face, and I mean, really hits you in the fucking face—that's when it hurts. And it hurts deep.
Day 17: What do you want to be when you get older?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
@ 7:33 PM
I want to find something that I am highly interested in and become a pro at it. Labels: 30 Day Challenge
@ 3:47 PM
I'm a free spirit, but when it comes to you, I become possessive. You bring out this vigilant side of me that I didn't know I had. I want you all to myself, all the time, and this desire gets the best of me. Jealousy attacks me when I am most unaware, and while I am attempting to build an internal sense of security, it only takes seconds to diminish it. With all of this going on, I worsen it with my illogical assumptions. It's unhealthy to over analyze thoughts and I should trust my gut feeling, but I do it anyway. I trust you wholeheartedly but when you want someone so much, it's difficult to hold back from being overly protective. It's my job to surpass all doubts that grow within my heart yet at times I fall behind and let those thoughts get to me.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
@ 9:31 PM
The end of us would basically be the end of me.
@ 9:13 PM
I am making a genuine effort to find the light in this situation. But sadly, I don't think there's a brighter side to this.
Day 14: A picture of something you are craving.
Friday, August 19, 2011
@ 6:56 PM
 Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Day 13: Three confessions of your choice.
@ 6:47 PM
1. The latest that I will ever wake up is 10 AM.
2. I count calories although it doesn't matter what I eat because I still gain a lot of weight. I could eat a salad and still gain the same amount I'd gain from eating a Big Mac. Might as well just eat the fucking Big Mac, right?
3. You can never tell when I am upset or angry because I always act calm and collected. Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Day 12: Screenshot your desktop.
@ 6:46 PM
Vacant; just how I like it~ Labels: 30 Day Challenge
@ 9:30 AM
A minor issue can only grow bigger if no actions are taken to solve it. You can't be afraid to approach it, you can't just let it sit there because the result of not attempting to fix it will be far worse than failing.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
@ 9:39 PM
I hate how your emotions directly effect how I feel.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
@ 11:43 PM
"I don't love you anymore," will never accidentally or purposely slip out of my mouth. You are one person I will care about for as long as I live, because I won't be able to forget the things you've helped me gain and experience. I will always love you. You've taught me how to love unconditionally and remain consistent to strive for what I desire. You'll always dwell in my thoughts despite the wrong you may have done or the complications you may have caused for me in the past. Don't ever say you aren't good enough, you are absolutely perfect in my eyes. I sometimes feel as if I'm the one that's lacking the good qualities in this relationship, not you. I wonder if I am good enough for you. If I can make you just as happy as you make me, every single day. I wonder if I can be dependable because I am dependent on you for everything.
I admire you.
Day 11: What is your favorite quote?
@ 4:38 PM
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
— Friedrich Nietzsche Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Day 10: Something you'd like to say to someone who you aren't close with anymore.
@ 4:28 PM
There are a lot of people that I'm no longer close with, but when this question was asked, one person came to mind immediately.
We weren't as close as I'd like us to be, due to you being somewhat intimidating. We've had our share of good times and bad, and when I think about it now, maybe it's a good thing we are no longer "friends". I'm going to admit that you were far from the perfect friend, but I still have respect for you from this one time you were there for me when no one else was. You came to me unexpectedly when I was at my worst and helped me get through. Without your help that one time, I don't think I'd have been able to recover as fast as I did. You've seen the side of me that no one has, and even though we are barely acquaintances, I'm still grateful for what you've done for me. Labels: 30 Day Challenge
@ 12:56 PM
Without my optimism, realistic or not, I'd be fucked.
@ 11:43 AM
In any case, though, I believe that I have not been fair to you and that, as a result, I must have led you around in circles and hurt you deeply. In doing so, however, I have led myself around in circles and hurt myself just as deeply. I say this not as an excuse or a means of self-justification but because it is true. If I have left a wound inside you, it is not just your wound but mine as well. So please try not to hate me. I am a flawed human being— a far more flawed human being than you realize. Which is precisely why I do not want you to hate me. Because if you were to do that, I would really go to pieces. I can’t do what you can do: I can’t slip inside my shell and wait for things to pass.
— Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Saturday, August 13, 2011
@ 9:03 PM
I’m going to marry you, so plan your life accordingly.
@ 8:22 PM
Before making a regretful decision that you'll be penitent about in the future, it won't hurt to imagine the possible consequences that might or might not come with it. Listen to your conscience screaming out at you. Take the time to lean your ear down at your heart and the voices inside your head. Will your choice make you happy? Will it make others around you happy? Will it hurt you? Will it hurt anyone close to you? Is this what you really want? Ask yourself that until you run out of ideas that support your first answer.
If that isn't enough to listen to your conscience and your rebellious yet dogmatic mind hasn't changed in the least, then turn tables around. Imagine yourself in someone else's shoes; what if they did the very thing that you're about to do? Would it bother you? Will you be able to brush it off and be okay with it? If so, proceed with your wrong doings. If not, stop immediately.
Day 9: Pet peeves
@ 7:51 PM
- Hopeless people that use hopeless words to bring me down.
- Everything that everyone fucking does annoys the shit out of me.
Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Day 8: Things you want to say to three different people
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
@ 10:35 PM
1. I'm reluctant to say this, but you are the reason to why I've been content with life lately. I say reluctant because I don't want to sound too dependent, but it's the truth. I depend on you for everything. Where would I be without you. Our personalities may clash, we might disagree more often than we'd like, but that's absolutely fine to me. You're the epitome of the perfect boyfriend I've been looking for.
To put it bluntly, you are literally, my everything.
2. We share the same blood. We live in the same household. You've known me my whole life, yet you don't seem to know a thing about me. You always bring out the worst in me. The second we meet eyes, we argue about the tiniest, most insignificant things. Bad memories and arguments have piled up for the last 3 years and it continues. It seems impossible to go back to how we used to be. We've both changed too much. It shouldn't be this fucking difficult to say I love you.
3. Don't really care to say anything to anyone else. Labels: 30 Day Challenge
@ 1:40 PM
Some of us write to entertain. Some of us write to express. The remainder write in hopes for that one person that they're writing about stumbles upon their blog one day.
@ 1:31 PM
True love is felonious.
You take someone's breath away. You rob them of the ability to utter a single word. You steal a heart.
— Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper
Day 7: Do you read? What are your favorite books?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
@ 5:14 PM
Rarely. So far my favorite books are, My Sister's Keeper, Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska.
Day 6: What band or musician is most important to you?
@ 5:12 PM
I listen to everything so none in particular.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
@ 10:11 PM
After many failed attempts, I've realized that physical contact isn't everything to a decent relationship. Two people do not need to be physically close together to fall in love. What truly shapes and molds a close bond between two people depends on how strong the connection is. The ability to click with each other using words, not touches. You need to have the endurance to last until you're both able to actually look into each other's eyes. You need to be able to comfort each other with words, before you even lay a finger on them. Make them smile with the things you say, not with the things you buy. The connection of the mind is always stronger than the physical attraction. Distance is nothing if there's true love holding you close together. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
@ 9:45 PM
Be with someone who can't stay mad at you, who can't stand not talking to you, and who is scared to lose you.
Day 4: Favorite foods
@ 2:11 AM
Yogurt Animal crackers Frozen yogurt Greek yogurt Everything that includes fruit Bagels Taco Bell Broccoli Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Saturday, August 6, 2011
@ 2:16 AM
We'll get this right, someday.
Day 3: Your day in great detail
Friday, August 5, 2011
@ 12:56 AM
Woke up around 3 am, texted Mizu, fell back asleep and woke up around 7~8. It's funny how I have to check my texts with him to find out my sleeping schedule. Ate Mac N Cheese for breakfast. Fat lyph. Talked to my lovely boyfriend the whole day basically, until he fell asleep of course, but that was only for a short period of time. Love days like these where all I physically do is nothing, but still get to spend the majority of the time with him. I could do this forever. Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Thursday, August 4, 2011
@ 11:49 AM
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Day 2: 10 likes and dislikes
@ 11:42 AM
1. Sarcasm 2. Yogurt 3. Cute things 4. Smiles 5. Hair 6. Disney movies 7. Surprises 8. Airports 9. Scenery 2. Awkward people 3. Horror films 4. Violence 5. Getting ignored 6. When people are too shy or afraid to say what they want. 7. Dirty places/bad hygiene 8. Predictable things 9. Being rushed 10. Wasting food Labels: 30 Day Challenge
Day 1: Write some basic things about yourself.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
@ 11:32 PM
- My name is Myu(ng).
- I'm full Korean.
- Taken, and I've never been happier.
- Careless and a procrastinator, but extremely consistent when I want to be.
- I see myself as a sarcastic, indecisive bitch with a big heart.
- Food = life.
- I am aspiring to become a doctor/photographer. Odd combo.
- It doesn't take much to irritate me, but it will take a lot for me to confront you about it.
- I hate hurting people.
- Self conscious.
- I think I'm weird. I think and view things in many different perspectives. But I don't keep my unpopular opinions to myself, I let them be heard, whether they're favored or not.
- I've never dyed my hair or pierced anything of my body.
- Mind's incredibly flexible. Very open minded.
- My sarcastic and crude humor keeps me going.
- My first impressions are absolute shit.
- I'm a legal alien.
- My life is a continuous series of contradictions.
- I'm an artistic, loud, and obnoxious person. It will take a lot for you to like me.
Labels: 30 Day Challenge
3 words
@ 4:11 AM
The phrase "I love you," has so much more meaning behind it than just confessing one person's love to another. When you say that sentence, you're making a solemn vow to sacrifice. Loving someone is caring about him or her more than yourself. It's about sacrifice, because love is sacrifice. It's when you put your selfishness aside and long to give someone love instead of being loved. Love is understanding that you're willing to do anything for that person, even though you're aware that might mean hurting yourself. That is the core of love. If you can't let go of your selfish desires, if you can't give up your own happiness to see someone else smile, if you can't do what's best for that person instead of what you want, if you don't understand the concept of giving and not expecting much in return, then don't let those three words slip out of your mouth so easily. No one wants to hear someone say things they don't mean.
@ 3:44 AM
We tend to be fond of people that stand out from the crowd. As you scan your surroundings, you want to go after what catches your interest and grabs a hold of your attention. You know you've found that special someone when you gaze in their eyes and feel an incredible spark, or even during a staggering conversation. We all search for someone that's different from the rest you've already encountered. We long for someone that will show us something real, not artificial. The one that will bring out the best and the worst of you without much effort. The one that won't hesitate to let their human instincts take over- to push you and make you go that extra mile. They're incomparable to anything you've ever seen or felt, because what they've shown you is something all too different.
@ 1:12 AM
Life would be absolute hell without you here.