Sunday, February 27, 2011
@ 11:33 PM
Forever is the new word for temporary.
Just take the time to listen.
@ 8:15 PM
Everyone is fighting a battle of their own. Day in and day out. Everyone keeps a secret which they will protect with their very lives. We pass the judgment on each other, while drawing conclusions based off what we think we know. Truth is, we don’t know a thing. The surface is a lie, and yet its the surface that we use to put together these opinions we have of another. If we were to take a step back for a moment, we could realize that things aren’t what they appear to be. A smile can mask away years of tears and frowns. Confidence could be a cover up for low self esteem. Bold actions and words could hide your fears. And the people that appear to have everything under control are habitually the ones that are the most terrified. So remember these things before you judge one or before you speak ill of another. We all will struggle, and continue to have our secrets. Nobody is as collected as they make themselves out to be you see.
@ 7:41 PM
You might feel worthless to one person, but you are priceless to another.
What's on your mind?
@ 7:28 PM
I'm curious. I want to know what you're thinking about, what you like, what you don't like, what song you listen to the most, what you ate for breakfast, and most importantly, if I ever cross your mind. Even if it's just for a split second. It'd be great if I could read your mind, but since I can't, I want to hear it from you. Do me a favor and don't sugar coat anything. I want to hear your truth, no matter how blunt and raw it is. I want to hear your thoughts, uncensored and unedited.
@ 7:26 PM
Saturday, February 26, 2011
@ 12:27 PM
@ 12:27 PM
@ 12:24 PM
@ 12:20 PM
There's a difference between letting go and pretending like you've forgotten.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
@ 5:49 PM
Monday, February 21, 2011
@ 12:45 PM
If you're going to act like you're single, then why not just stay single?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
@ 8:58 PM
I went from
Thursday, February 17, 2011
@ 4:59 PM
"I trust anyone until they give me a reason not to." to "I don’t trust anyone unless they earn it."
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
@ 10:05 PM
I find shy people unattractive, rather than "cute". A little shyness is okay but if you're too scared to talk to me in person, and even ignore me because you're so shy, then you shouldn't text me or message me on Facebook. I just think it's weird when people don't talk to you when they are actually given a chance to, and then when they're not open to direct conversation, they get all "outgoing". I understand that some people aren't as outgoing as they want to be or they get nervous, but talking to me isn't that much of a big deal. I won't bite, jeez.
@ 9:39 PM
I want a partner who fulfills my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. I always see both sides of the story. Art and beauty are very important to me. I don’t let myself get too needy. Marriage is sacred to me. I value commitment in relationships. I like to keep things balanced. I don’t like to go overboard with anything. I would rather yield to others than fight. I value harmony with others very highly. I value mental activity very highly. I love people. I don’t get caught up in thinking, “It’s not fair!” When good things happen for others, I am happy for them. I don’t get caught up in wishing they were happening to me. I enjoy refined tastes and the nicest things. I feel both masculine and feminine. I like it when things are light-hearted. I know that you should hold out for the perfect partner. I like to keep a smile on my face. I don’t like negative energy. I can be very persuasive. I am instinctually diplomatic. (via signsofthezodiac) Labels: astrology
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
@ 8:15 PM
@ 8:10 PM
“Because in every relationship there comes a point when the damage is too much and no matter how good it once was, the memories can’t sustain you. You have to save yourself knowing all the while it will hurt like hell. Because you can’t keep giving someone everything if you get nothing in return.”
Because of you,
@ 6:48 PM
I've built my walls so much higher than before. I've become more sensitive, therefore creating more and more walls around me to protect myself. I don't want to fall into the same trap again, I don't want to be so gullible anymore. I don't want to fall for anyone because whenever I do, I end up in wounds. I don't want to get hurt. I've learned to trust no one because everyone seems to disappoint me one way or another. Sometimes, it's not worth taking such big risks for people who I thought that mattered.
"We need to have a talk."
@ 6:15 PM
Valentine's Day
@ 5:42 PM
It was great, not that I expected it to be bad or anything. It was simply just another Monday and things were pretty normal at school, with the exception of a handful of people carrying around abnormally large teddy bears and pink gift bags. I don't know why people dread Valentine's Day. I think it's cute because people are so lovey dovey and nice. Although people should be sweet all year round. It's one day where people can exchange love letters and enormous teddy bears without it being weird. Pink and red and all those soft pretty colors are everywhere so there's no reason to be sad, even if you're single.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
@ 10:30 PM
 Bad hair day. Oh yes.
Friday, February 11, 2011
@ 5:26 PM
 Last night's episode of Jersey Shore was stupid, but I do admit that this part was pretty sad. ):
@ 5:19 PM
In this world, there's so much of what looks like love, and sounds like love, and calls itself love, but it isnt. It's just people saying and doing what they think they ought to say and do.
@ 5:18 PM
@ 4:51 PM
"Which one should I give up?"
@ 4:20 PM
I think every girl will come across a boyfriend that is way too controlling at least once in their life time. They'll demand your attention, your time, and possibly even ask you to give up your friends for them. Choosing is hard, especially between things that are important to you. So which would you pick? Your friends or your lover? To make things more understandable, here's one scenario: You have guy friends that are close to you, but you'll never look at them as boyfriend material. Your boyfriend is the only one for you, and you love him more than anyone. Sad thing is, he doesn't believe you. He can't trust you, so he makes you choose. "It's either me or them. Your pick."Now of course, your stupid love-filled mind would want to pick your boyfriend over your friends. "He's more important." But guess what, relationships like that never work out. If there's no trust, there's no love, no affection, there's nothing. He's constantly worrying and paranoid about you, even after you've tried to explain yourself a million times. Getting rid of your guy friends won't solve anything. He's just looking for momentary comfort, because he's always doubting you. Without all your friends, he doesn't have to worry. He's being selfish. He says he'll learn to trust you, but that'll never happen. Plus, how will he ever trust you if he's never given you a chance to prove that you're trustworthy? If he really loved you, he wouldn't make you decide. He wouldn't make you pick. He wouldn't complicate your life.Back to the question, "Which one should I give up?" Drop him. Break up with him before he gets even more possessive of you. Once you let him in, he'll start getting comfortable. He'll boss you around and even begin to threaten you. Your relationship will become unrepairable. It'll become abusive and you'll eventually lose everything. Friends are forever, boyfriends don't ever last as long as you want it to. You've probably heard that many times, and it's true. Leave before you get hurt, or trust me, you'll regret it.Labels: Coming from experience, Never again will I go through this shit.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
@ 6:01 PM
Real talk.
@ 5:40 PM
"BFFS" become strangers. The people that said they wouldn't leave, end up leaving. Friends that said you could count on them, back stab you. Promises get broken and you get lied to. The people that said they would never hurt you end up hurting you the most. People say that they care about you, but they're never there when you need them. Your lover breaks your heart. Those who act friendly to you, turn around and talk shit about you. Words are spoken, but no actions are taken. Promises are made, but nothing is proven. And those who promised you forever, never even went close.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
@ 11:08 PM
There are optimistic people, then there are pessimists. Pessimistic people always look at the rotten side of things, often assuming and making up false shit that will most likely never happen. Pessimists tend to turn things around; the possible to the impossible, the bad to the putrid. They expect the worst possible outcomes in every situation, and all of their negative shit eventually bring others down as well. "Life sucks." "I hate my life so much." I absolutely hate hearing people talk like that. Those words have no hope, it's just full of negativity, and I hate it. Honestly, who wants to hear that especially when you might be going through your own problems? You'd want to hear words of comfort, something that you can grasp on to and be hopeful. Everything is what you make them out to be. Your attitude determines how you view the world. "Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it." If you react to your problems in a negative way, then your life will suck. You can't change the way people act, nor is anyone able to alter the past, but we can change our attitude. The only thing we're in control of is our attitudes, so make the best of it. If not, just don't bring others down with you with your negative shit.
@ 12:24 AM
@ 12:13 AM
 ^ I look annoying as fuck. There's different stuff reflecting on my eyes, it looks weird.
Monday, February 7, 2011
@ 11:12 PM
  ^ That's how long my bangs are.. Wtf.  ^ My friend has the best hand writing.
@ 9:11 PM
Speak up.
@ 8:59 PM
Say whatever you want to say and speak your mind. Be bold about it. Don't drop those stupid hints that no one can fully comprehend, that's just a waste of time. Deliver your message clearly so the other person can understand how you feel. I don't know about you, but I prefer people that are blunt about things. Tell me if you like me or not. It just makes everything so much easier if people confess their feelings to me bluntly, so I can reject or accept them, bluntly, with a yes or a no. And maybe an explanation.
@ 8:59 PM
@ 8:30 PM
The light bulb symbolizes our thoughts and how over-thinking can “kill” us.(via bri4na)
Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
@ 7:47 PM
Old friends, screw 'em. If you want to leave, then leave.
@ 6:53 AM
Society today considers sex as nothing, yet makes it everything.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
@ 11:07 PM
@ 11:00 PM
Oh, you left me with a broken heart, and now I see you as I should of from the start.— The Maine
Things are lookin' good.
@ 10:51 PM
1) Finally got a camera after months and months of persuading and begging. I wanted a Canon Rebel but got a Nikon instead since it was cheaper. Not gonna complain, it's still a DSLR and it's sexy as hell. LOL 2) I'm going to Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. this spring break with my sister. It's basically just going to be me and her visiting random places. I don't really know, but it's going to be fun, plus I love traveling.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
@ 4:23 PM
Realization: I fall in love too easily and quickly. At times, I think I'm in love but I'm actually not. Just really dependent.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
@ 8:14 PM
 LOL Florida, I love you.
@ 8:00 PM
The internet
@ 7:43 PM
You never know who's who. So many fakes. Damn.
As soon as I turn single, everyone else starts getting boyfriends/girlfriends.
@ 4:30 PM
@ 12:29 AM
They left.
@ 12:21 AM
What're you supposed to do when someone important to you, leaves you in the dirt? Someone that caused a huge impact in your life, someone that you'll always remember and think about. I guess the better question would be, what's the smartest thing to do when you're in this situation? Move on, just like them. There's no need to stay in the same spot; go somewhere. Do something with your life that doesn't involve them. Although they might not remember you as much as you remember them, wish them the best of luck. Be happy for them, no matter who they're with or what they've done. After all, they're the ones that once made you happy. Believe that they left for a reason. And it was for your benefit.
You made me realize that I am definitely not ready for a relationship.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
@ 12:11 AM
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
@ 11:42 PM
Day 9: 2 Songs
@ 11:35 PM
1. Fuck You - Lily Allen 2. A Little Bit Stronger - Sara Evans
@ 11:32 PM
“You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.” — Nicholas Sparks
@ 6:57 PM
@ 5:17 PM
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never meant to break your heart. God, what have I done? I didn't want to see you crying or in pain. I wanted to make you happy. But all I've done is put you in agony. Don't get me wrong. I only love you and only you.
@ 12:27 PM

Dear Me,
@ 11:50 AM
Stop hurting. Stop talking about your problems, then you'll eventually forget them. No one gives a fuck anyway. It's no use hurting over someone that doesn't give the slightest shit about you. So just stop everything, and go back to who you were before. It's going to be hard but it will happen. Keep smiling, whether it's fake or not. No one will know. Smile and laugh, constantly. You can never show people that you're hurt. You're a happy person, with or without him. The fact of the matter is, he's done. He won't look back, so why the fuck are you? You're only hurting yourself. Just focus more on yourself, improve yourself. Now that he's not a part of your life anymore, you have some time to be selfish. Your heart aches, and everything hurts. You know you shouldn't cry, but you are. You're such a cry baby. Crying won't get you anywhere. This will be the last time you shed tears for him. In 10 years, you probably won't even remember all of this. Why you were hurting, who you were hurting for, and when it happened. You probably won't even remember the pain that you're feeling right now. Everything will be okay. Don't say you regret all of this because at one point, he's all you wanted and you were completely fine. He was your happiness, so be thankful for that. He's taught you things that you never would've known if it wasn't for him. But that's all he is. Someone that came into your life, taught you a lesson, and walked straight back out. You tried to get him back, but you weren't strong enough. And you can't force anything on anyone. At least you know you tried. Accept his abandonment. He's gone, and he's done. Stop holding onto pieces of memories that mean absolutely nothing to him. He said that he's glad he's done with you. He's said the worst things anyone could ever say to a person, and yet you're still sitting here thinking about him. You must've gone mad. Get your sanity back. You're looking for someone to find comfort in. Go rely on someone. But it's time to let go of him.
@ 2:40 AM
I love you.
A simple three words can be so hard to say. A simple three words that seems so difficult. A simple three words that can sum up a person’s feeling towards someone else. A simple three words that is so difficult to find in another person’s heart. A simple three words that can relieve a heartbreak. A simple three words that is just difficult to confess. Easier to bear in mind, harder to say it, and the hardest is showing that you do.
If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one.
@ 2:39 AM