Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.
I'm no philosopher, just someone with common sense.
Since my blog is already out in the open, I have no problem with you criticizing it. However, I have a very low tolerance span for bullshit, so I'll most likely overlook your (moronic) two cents if they are made. I'm not here to explain my thoughts or opinion to anyone. We can agree to disagree. You don't have to like how I blog or view things,
for it was never meant for you in the first place. I'm not forcing you to read any of my entries and you are definitely not obligated to follow me.
Overly sarcastic, but thoughtful. Read to know me.
I always search.. Too hard. Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 6:41 PM
My friend gave me this advice yesterday: Stop looking for love. Wait until love comes to you. Love happens when you least expect it.
I can't stop looking though. I feel so lost without it.
@ 5:39 PM
@ 5:37 PM
The person who brings me so much happiness is also the same person who can destroy me. Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 6:38 PM
This is unfair.
@ 7:39 AM
@ 7:37 AM
): @ 7:23 AM
I try to live by "If you don't need me, then I don't need you" and "What comes around, goes around" but it's truly difficult. Because I need a lot of people that don't necessarily need me. And if things I did really "came around", my life would be an absolute mess, and it isn't.
@ 7:23 AM
Happiness doesn't last forever. @ 6:57 AM
Yes, it's only temporary. Don't fool yourself into thinking that your happiness will last for eternity, because it won't. Life has it's ups and downs and it'll be handy if you learn that now; you'll have to sooner or later. It's difficult to maintain bliss because something always comes along to ruin it. If we're always at ease, will we ever learn anything? If we're always happy and zealous, then where's the depression? Sadness? You see, all the negatives are what creates us. Who you are, who I am. We learn from the bad things that intrude our momentary happiness just as we learn from our mistakes. Us, humans, have the tendency to remember what has hurt us, including bad memories and experiences, much more efficiently than what has made us happy.
Low tolerance @ 6:54 AM
I can't stand people with low tolerance levels. I get that it's normal and it's imperative to have an appropriate level of tolerance but some people can't take shit, at all. They're too protective of themselves. They have that, "Make one mistake and you're gone" type of attitude, and it's hard to deal with.
Saturday, January 29, 2011 @ 11:45 AM
^ Lol'd
@ 11:41 AM
^ Ah, Myspace. Creepers be creepin'
Friday, January 28, 2011 @ 5:12 PM
Day 8: 3 Films @ 5:05 PM
1. A Moment to Remember ^ Tearjerker.
2. How to Train Your Dragon 3. Spirited Away
Day 7: 4 Books @ 5:01 PM
1. Looking for Alaska - John Green 2. My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult 3. Paper Towns - John Green 4. Dreamland - Sarah Dessen
I hold grudges @ 4:45 PM
I'm the type of person to forgive just about anything. Things hurt me, I'm only human, but I let it go and I give people another chance. That doesn't mean I don't have a limit, I do and when you cross the line, you're gone. Out of my life, gone forever. I hide pain; and I'm good at it. I act like nothing bothers me, but really, they do, and no one ever notices because I put up a hard shell that never reveals my sensitive inside. I forgive, and forgive, and forgive. But after the millionth time of forgiving, I will get tired, and I will leave, and I will not turn back. I forgive, expecting you to think back about your mistakes and learn from them. Once you've created a scar deep enough, I'll most likely hold a grudge against you, forever. Grudge: A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. Hurt me bad enough, and no matter how long it's been since you hurt me, I'll never be able to forgive you.
@ 4:45 PM
@ 4:26 PM
Day 7: 5 Foods Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @ 8:26 PM
1. Yogurt
2. Asian candy
3. Vegetables
4. Big Mac
5. Cake/cupcakes
Day 5: 6 Places I want to go Tuesday, January 25, 2011 @ 5:27 PM
1. South Korea
2. Greece
3. New York
4. Paris
5. Germany
6. Pensacola, FL
Monday, January 24, 2011 @ 2:01 PM
@ 1:56 PM
@ 1:55 PM
@ 1:55 PM
Over thinking @ 1:53 PM
Over thinking ruins everything. It ruins the situation; it turns things around, it makes you assume and worry about things that probably won't even happen. It just makes things worse than it already is.
@ 1:52 PM
@ 1:52 PM
Day 4: 7 Wants @ 1:39 PM
1. More knowledge. Basically means I wish I was smarter. 2. Peace. No more fighting, arguing, and problems amongst anyone. 3. A nice camera. 4. This is going to sound cheesy but I want never ending love. Everlasting. Love that lasts forever, or at least until I die. 5. Get in shape again.. Or was I ever actually in shape? 6. A car so I can go places. 7. To know where my future is heading.
I talk a lot. @ 1:38 PM
You just cannot stop me from talking. I live to talk and interact with people. That's my source of entertainment.
Equality @ 11:40 AM
One of my strongest beliefs is equality. I believe everyone should be treated fairly, although there are circumstances where you'll be treated based on what you've done. No one deserves mistreatment and everyone has the right to do whatever the next person can do.
In a 2 person relationship, if one sacrifices for the other, the other person should do the same, or else it isn't fair play. There should be no "loss" in the relationship; it should be either a gain or nothing at all. Give and take. Give as much as you can handle and take as much as you have given.
Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 4:37 PM
I hate picking. I hate deciding. What the fuck do I want.
@ 8:05 AM
Swollen eyes. Oh boy, haven't had these in awhile.
Confession 2. @ 7:48 AM
I never wanted anything so bad. I've never wanted anyone so bad.
@ 7:39 AM
6992.) I miss you so badly, but I just don’t know how to tell you that.
6991.) I still love him, even more than ever before.
6968.) There’s an ache in me. An ache that simply cannot jump onto this page and express itself. Because I ache for him — I loved him with my whole soul, and now he’s gone.
6954.) Other fishes in the sea? You’re the only fish I want. The only fish for me.
6941.) I wish I could go back in time to prevent it from happening, so I wouldn’t have to do this to myself. If only…
6934.) There is so much I want to say to you. First, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ruining the wonderful relationship we had. I’m sorry I lied. I’m sorry I hurt you. I know you deserve better than me, but I honestly can’t see you with anyone else. It breaks my heart to even think about it. I don’t know what I’m going to do when you find someone else, someone that will do everything for you. I know I messed up, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about it. I wish every second that I could just go back and fix it, but that’s not possible, and you won’t let me fix it now so what else can I do? Nothing. There’s nothing I can do and it sucks to know that. But I need to tell you one thing, not everything is my fault. I know it all began with my stupid lack of judgment, but I can’t take the blame for it all. Maybe you look at what you did as something small compared to what I did, but it should have stopped the first time. If you didn’t want to be with me you should have just kept it that way, instead of getting my hopes up, and then tearing them down. You did that four different times. But the last one really did it for me. I miss and love you but I can’t take anymore heartbreak.
I remember everything; I was standing there and I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was you. You looked at me, asked how I was doing, and all I said was, I was fine. Then I broke down, looked at you and said "I miss you, so much. I miss your eyes, your smile, voice, hugs, kisses, everything. I haven't gone a single day without thinking about you." Then you looked at me and said you felt the same way too, wrapped your arms around me, then I woke up.
Infatuation drives me insane, love makes me insane. And insanity was never part of my to-be list, well not until now that is.
The thing about infatuation is that it crawls up to you on such short notice and when it gets to you, there is no turning back. Infatuation meddles with your lifestyle and your mind. But the thing about infatuation is that it doesn't last. Because it if does, then you’re already boarding the Love Express.
Love runs your whole system. When love arrives, you simply forget that you own a brain. If you think infatuation’s bad then love is worse, darling. It's a broken heart that owns the title of worst.
A broken heart destroys you. Pain, depression and loneliness are a broken heart's best friends. They cover you until you shake them off and throw them in a deep well.
@ 7:05 AM
A broken heart (or heartbreak) is a common metaphor used to describe the intense emotional pain or suffering one feels after losing a loved one, through death, divorce, breakup, moving, being rejected, or other means.
I don't have eight fears. Just one. And it was losing you.
Saturday, January 22, 2011 @ 11:56 PM
So as of now, my life is over.
Day 2: 9 Loves Friday, January 21, 2011 @ 11:29 PM
1. Mizu ♥ 2. Frozen yogurt 3. True friends 4. Shopping 5. Texting 7. Carefree days 8. Long and meaningful conversations 9. Smiling
Day 1: 10 Secrets Thursday, January 20, 2011 @ 5:35 PM
1. My self-esteem is very low. So I'm not very confident when I'm alone. To be honest, I only act certain ways when I'm with my friends. 2. I'm the jealous type. Jealousy gets to me. 3. I tend to compare myself to just about everyone. Sometimes I feel good, often I do not. 4. I'm not as strong as I put out to be. I get hurt easily, and I don't recover as quick as I should. Most of the time I just try to forget the feeling or distract myself. 5. I'm so easily led, I give in to things easily. Most of the time because I feel bad or because I don't want to seem like a bitch to my friends. 6. I've grown to become cold hearted. 7. I'm actually pretty self-centered. I always have to get what I want. My wants become my needs. 8. Very rarely do I ever get mad and actually show it. I keep anger inside. 9. 8/10 of the time, I feel like a loser. 10. I act like I'm being sarcastic but I'm actually serious.
@ 5:34 PM
I complain too much. Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I absolutely loathe how this week is going. I never use that word, so that shows you how much I hate it. I'll most likely continue to hate this week because of finals that're coming up. And I hate finals because I'm too lazy to study for them. I should be studying as of right now, but instead I'm writing this annoying and very whiny blog post to express how much I hate everything. I am so screwed. I need to do good on finals or else I'm dead. Freshman year = foundation of the rest of high school, so if you fuck up during freshman year, then you're fucked for the rest of your high school life, is how I see it. And so far, I'm doing pretty damn bad in my math class. 60. Can you believe that? And that's all because of my laziness to complete my homework assignments and tests that I missed due to staying home, because I was lazy. Oh and nothing's going right these days. Friends, family, health, school; nothing's going my way. So just about everything's going down hill and I think it's because of my lack of motivation to do things and my laziness. This imbalance in my life bothers me so much. I can't seem to balance everything equally so nothing would be a problem.
Monday, January 17, 2011 @ 11:16 PM
@ 10:35 PM
"So many memories we shared, that now I don't even want. Romeo and Juliet seems like the perfect love, played out in literature, but it too, deems to be just a story. I don't want a story, because stories always end. I want a feeling, and that feeling is love. I don't want forever, I want always, because always means no matter what, together, through easy and tough. I want words of honesty, and love that is true. I want my prince to be in worn jeans and plain tee, and to open the door for me. To treat me with words of kindness and beauty. I should be his beauty. I want someone to bring out the best in me, and who doesn't try to add perfection to my flaws, but embrace them. Making mistakes is a part of life, but love is understanding, and if you love someone you'll understand that mistakes are accidents, and forgive them. Love is forgiving. Love is blind, because love is pure. Love is objective, not subjective. We can't see love, smell love, taste love, hear love, or even touch love. We feel love through our mind, soul and hearts. But we do use our senses to embrace love, and feel it's initial core even deeper. Close your eyes and breathe me in, I want to fall in love. Exhale my flaws and see me perfectly, I want to be adored."
@ 10:08 PM
The Libra is very turned off by anyone they consider to be rude. If they do think you are insulting to someone, they will give you a redemptive tongue lashing. Librans cannot bear too much noise, especially at night when they are trying to sleep. If you want to annoy one, go to sleep beside a Libra with the television on. This sign can also be quite fussy about clothing and furniture. They do not like things like broken zippers, undone buttons, or split seams. They are also very annoyed by people who do not dress in the current fashion or who wear dirty or wrinkled clothes. It offends their aesthetic sensibility.
Yup, yup, and yup.
I went on my Myspace which I haven't touched in like months, to check something. I somehow got into my photo albums and I looked at my old pictures. I laughed so hard, and then I read the comments and I laughed even harder. Back in the day, people were obsessed with Myspace and they'd do anything to get other people to "check out their pictures and comment". I was one of those faggots, and I thought I was THE shit. You know, the Myspace whores with a bazillion friends and good-looking profiles and high quality pictures that ride "trains" to advertise themselves. Anyways, I'm looking at what these people commented on my pictures and I'm just like, "REALLY? Are these people blind or something?" I'm pretty damn sure they don't really want to look like me, or think I'm EXTREMELY gorgeous, like they said they do.
And I clearly looked like absolute shit with my wanna-be scene-ness and junk. Lol oh my God. I'm thinking of deleting my Myspace so it won't haunt me in the future. My pictures aren't something to be very proud of.
@ 5:23 PM
Work hard, and it'll be worth it. @ 3:42 PM
Keep fighting, don't lose hope. Try your absolute best to reach your dreams. Never give up on something that makes you happy. It might seem like a waste of time now, and it might actually even be a waste of time, but at least you won't live in regret of what could've happened.
@ 3:36 PM
@ 3:32 PM
Friday, January 14, 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Why do I bother taking pictures if I always end up covering my face in them? I DON'T KNOW but I like editing them.
@ 8:39 PM
LOL oh my Godddddddddddddddddddddddddd
@ 3:27 PM
Can someone give me a detailed description of what it feels like to be in love?
It just this feeling... And the pit of your stomach doesn't cover it. It's stretches everywhere. It's overwhelming, complete, and... immeasurable, in a way. Without bound or length, or depth. Absolute. Unchanging and ever-changing simultaneously. Fiery. And yet, safe. As though someone has given you a peace. Something nothing else could have quenched. For me, it's like... One time he said he'd rather be dead than lose me. All I could think was, "without life, he wouldn't be here. And I'd still be lost. Not knowing what I was missing, but feeling what wasn't there." I have four journals filled with stories and feelings and words and passions and experiences of how much I love him. It's wanting to give them everything. It's being the last thing you think about at night, and the first thing you think about in the morning. It's that notebook kind of love. It's a sickening feeling when you see him cry, and a happy-go-lucky one when you see him smile. It's feeling as though you've won the lottery when you make him laugh, even barely chuckle. It's closing your eyes and seeing a future together, as one and as two. It's also work. Working to keep stable on the ship. It's being in the middle of an all-out scream fest, but still knowing, in the back of your mind, that tomorrow night's date is going to be breathtaking. Because a fight is only a minute pebble in the midst of your feelings. It's being able to kiss your best friend. Having butterflies and a constant elevated heartbeat with even a single graze of the hand. It's feeling completely and utterly unworthy of this kind of love. It's passion, yet comfort... an insane sort of sanity, calm yet completely unnerved... and a billion other oxymorons. And so much care. So much... you look into his eyes and you see love. You see the man you'd give your life for. It's loving someone too much to quit. And yet... it's loving someone enough to leave, if that's what they need. It's being able to break your heart for them, if they can't do it themselves. And... there is an immense difference between LOVE and IN love.
The more I talk to you, the more I fall in love with you.
Stand up for what's right @ 2:34 PM
Whether it be an external issue or a problem between individuals, stand up for what you believe in. If someone is putting you down, stand up for yourself. No one has the right to treat you with disrespect. If someone else is being abused, support them. Listen to others' ideas, and if they're unjust and inappropriate, tell them. Don't be afraid to speak up even when you're alone. That proves how confident you really are. It only takes one person to make a huge difference.
@ 2:03 PM
@ 2:02 PM
@ 1:58 PM
@ 1:56 PM
"Stop thinking about what everyone wants. Stop thinking about what I want, what your parents want. What do you want?" — The Notebook
@ 1:55 PM
@ 1:54 PM
I don't know what to title this Monday, January 10, 2011 @ 9:19 PM
Don't expect me to do something that you wouldn't do in front of others. I probably seem like the type of person to "not care" and blurt out rude things or oddly outgoing enough to speak in front of a crowd full of strangers. I am, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to tell me to do things, and better yet, force me to do things for you. I get that some people are shy. If you want, I'll talk for you, but only to a certain limit. When I'm done, you're on your own buddy.
When I say no, it means no. And begging won't change my mind.
Sunday, January 9, 2011 @ 10:00 PM
LMAO omg
Taken? @ 8:54 PM
Give your partner all of your trust. That might seem scary because you're putting yourself in a vulnerable position, giving them all the chances in the world to hurt you and even break your heart. But you're also giving them a chance to prove how much they love you and give you the world. Give it your all, and expect to receive more. Don't settle for less. You shouldn't let anyone else get in between your relationship, not even your closest friend. This relationship is just between you and your loved one. No one else; obviously cheating isn't allowed. That's pretty much a given, and it's common sense. Your love should only be towards them, and vice versa. No one else should deserve it more than your bf/gf. When you guys fight and have problems, solve it amongst yourselves. It'll cause even more problems once you start talking about it with your friends, especially if they aren't exactly the best group of friends you'll meet/not trustworthy. Sooner or later everyone will be a part of the fight, and you don't want that to happen. Don't give other people the chance to come in and possibly ruin what you guys have. Another thing: Don't listen to what others say. If you think about it, no one knows exactly what's going on between you and your bf/gf besides you and him/her. You should know better than to listen to all the bull shit that goes around because it's most likely just a rumor. If you're curious about something, ask the person that should know about it the most. (Your bf/gf, just in case you didn't know.) Ask, and expect to receive an honest answer. "Trust him, and only him."
Friday, January 7, 2011 @ 7:52 PM
Curiosity. @ 7:29 PM
Why do people take curiosity in things that they know they won't like the answer of? It's as if, you want to know, but at the same time, you don't. "When you ask, you'll be answered." Once you hear the truth you've been longing to hear, you only end up to find yourself pissed or upset at the answer you received. But who's to blame, yourself or the person that answered? No matter how much you disfavor the truth, there's no one to blame. The un-sugarcoated truth will always hurt, it's bitter and you won't like it. But why then do people want to know the harsh and bitter truth? Simply for the sake of knowing. Curiosity and temptation is everyone's weakness, as well as over analyzing.
Thought: @ 7:27 PM
Those who appear to be the strongest are actually the ones that're weak and most susceptible. They spend so much time protecting and saving others that they forget to take care of themselves. It's okay to have a little bit of selfishness.
@ 7:26 PM
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but do you realize that what you heard is not what I meant?
Go right ahead and tell 'em @ 7:22 PM
"Say what you mean, and mean what you say."
You can't just drop a few hints here and there and expect people to comprehend your feelings, especially if those hints aren't very clear. Imagine how much easier the world would be if everyone was just straight forward, There wouldn't be miscommunication amongst anyone.
I’m not sure if that’s out of jealousy, or insecurity. Maybe even a mixture of both.
Let's face it, nobody likes to lose. Whether it's tryouts for the school talent show or losing at the 'game of love', that momentary sting of being on the losing end is felt by many of us. It shouldn't hurt. After all, it's only a temporary setback.. There will be other talent shows and you'll eventually find someone new to crush on, right? Not so with a vast number of people. It hurts a lot.
The experience of failing is often so humiliating, so devastating, that some people will never again attempt anything along similar lines. Why? Because they have a fear of failing. They fear being laughed at. They fear being exposed and they're concerned about what others are saying/thinking about them.
The thought of losing in front of others is enough to keep them spinning in the same familiar pattern of not doing things. I have a huge fear of failing. Many people hide their talents and strengths-the very things that make them special-just to blend into the crowd unnoticed. People should stop doing that. They should try to be as special as they can be.
A guy truly loved a girl with all his heart. He was deeply in love with her. He wasn't going to let her go. He thought she felt the same. He even dreamed about having a future with her. She made him feel like he had the world. He thought she was the one.
He thought he could trust her. He gave her space, he didn't ask who she talked to, what she did, who she was with, because he loved her. He believed trust = love. He gave her freedom.
However, the girl took advantage of this kind and sensitive guy. It turns out she had a back up guy. Left him, without thinking about how much pain she caused him. She thought he would be alright.
Nothing's going to be alright.
How can you lead someone on for such a long time, and finally drop them cold and hard. He's broken. His heart's shattered. He could have given you the whole world, you just never gave him a chance. He gave you the ability to do whatever you want, because he trusted you. He loved you. You misused it. He gave you his heart. And you crushed it.
What makes me mad about remembering the past @ 7:08 PM
Is that you replay it in your mind over and over again, and the more you think about it, the more you wish you did something differently. It’s funny that if your timing was off by one minute, or if you didn’t say something you meant to say, or if you weren’t where you were at the time, your story would probably not be the way it is now. The littlest things can change everything, and that’s what makes me so mad. If I didn’t do a lot of the things I did, I know that I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this up. What makes it even harder is that I know exactly what I would change if I could, but I can’t, so that’s that.
For some (like myself), it’s human to test others. It’s human to push others—to push their limits and to cross their boundaries. It’s this natural wall we build quickly and most unaware. Why? The fact of the matter is, the more they’re willing to endure and their ability to somehow find the strength to always come back leaves an impact; a sense of immediate security. This safe feeling allows us to give more in return, again most unaware. Above all, we come to slowly realize that wanting them in our lives is no longer an option, it becomes a dying priority.
It’s falling and believing. It’s hoping and trusting. We no longer want them in our lives, instead, we need them in our lives—because very rarely do most people show this kind of endless devotion and commitment.
My super secret, very private (it's even locked!), diary.
Once you've open this, you're granted unlimited access to my deepest inner thoughts, and my heart.
This is one place where I can express everything I feel at that moment, without anyone getting hurt or upset. I write in here when I feel as if there's no one in the world that can possibly understand what I'm going through.
I'll most likely unlock this sometime in the very future, when all of these feelings are long gone and I don't feel them anymore. Or maybe I won't unlock it, ever, and let these thoughts rot in there forever. Either way, you won't be reading them anytime soon.
Today. Thursday, January 6, 2011 @ 7:07 PM
I'm so happy hehe. I love my boyfriend. He's sho cute.
This morning I found out that I didn't win this T-shirt contest, (although my design was clearly better, cough) because my essay wasn't good enough. (This t-shirt contest was held in my school, the top 2 was picked and was entered in the county contest and I was one of them.) The judges said that I could've used better words. And that hit me. I NEED TO LEARN NEW WORDS. I'm getting tired of my vocabulary. Time to read more books and start memorizing SAT words.
@ 7:04 PM
Teacher: I told you to stop using pen when you're doing math problems! I tell you this everyday young lady. Me: This again? Uh, I don't have enough money to buy pencils. Teacher: I'm not buying that. No one's buying that. I mean, just look at your wardrobe and what you wear to school everyday. Students: HAAAAAAAAAAA Me: WHAT LOL M: I guess that's a compliment. Me: I take that as an insult.
I hate it when I stare at a text for more than 5 minutes not knowing how to reply. Wednesday, January 5, 2011 @ 9:06 PM
First day of school in the new year @ 4:59 PM
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was actually pretty good. I had lots of fun, and I got my presents from my bestie. We were planning on hanging out over break to exchange our gifts but we never got a chance to. It's really weird how I hung out with people outside of my city this whole break. Anyways.
This morning I decided to take my friend's presents to school, even though I was riding the bus, which was a pain in the ass by the way. I hate taking stuff on the bus. I got there 20 minutes before the first bell rang so I left her presents on the floor. When the bell rang I walked to class WITHOUT taking the presents with me. I completely forgot about them, ugh. After class I ran out hoping to see if they were still there. They weren't. I kinda already suspected that; my school's filled with ghetto people. I went up to the office hoping that someone was NICE enough to put it in the fucking lost and found, and it wasn't there. I felt really bad, and pissed. People are so damn rude. If I see anyone wearing the same jacket I bought her during the rest of the school year, I'm going to slap them. I swear.
My friend got me stuff from AE and a huge box of fortune cookies, ha. Not surprising since everyone never shuts up about the fact that I'm Asian. Seriously, just look at my Facebook wall. I gave out fortune cookies to everyone cause I know I'm not going to finish all 500 by myself.
A Lesson To Boys @ 4:53 PM
Girls like a guy who can stand up for himself, because if he can’t, how can she be so sure that you can take care of her, also? We love reassurance and comfort.. and most of the time, it’s quite often. That’s never going to change. Most of the time, we’d be okay that you are with your boys, just remember not to say anything when we are with ours. We are over protective if you give us a reason to be. Treat us the way you want to be treated, which means.. no bs about the boy we were talking to or just a simple male friend we are hanging out with. If you’re gonna trip about other boys, we are most definitely gonna trip about other girls. Another given. Because two can play that game. Girls like to be held, and kisses on the forehead are so much cuter than a massive make out session in public. White crewneck and dark denims = turn on. The absolute simplest way to dress, but also the sexiest. Whoever told you that a girl’s gonna cost you your bank account is wrong. Money doesn’t buy love. A perfect gentlemen pays for all expenses, but the world is made up of flaws, so it’s okay. Take turn paying, and if she insists that you pay all the time? Leave. (Okay, maybe not, but do something about it.) Girls do spoil their guy, if the same is given in return. Homemade gifts are often THE cutest. Random visits and gifts mean more than when you are “supposed to do it (Valentine’s day, Christmas, etc.) Girls need their girls, just like you need your boys for.. whatever your reason may be. That is the absolute worst reason to get jealous over, she’s not going to turn lesbian. When she askes you for a favor, try to do it. She’ll get frustrated and you’ll end up in an agrument. Simple things like texts or a cute IM is nice, just don’t smother her. Ex-girlfriends and the past bring up a horrible subject. And although you and your ex might still be friends, make sure that your girl nows that she means nothing, that reassurance will never stop, never. And most importantly, stay consistent. Girls go absolutely crazy when you were sweet the first few months and.. soon, it fades away. Keep chasing, and when you feel like you want to stop, let her know - don’t just leave her, don’t just let her go.
1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it’s yours to keep for the entire period.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “life.”
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately “work.”
4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end. There’s no part of life that doesn’t contain its lessons. If you’re alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.
6. There is no better a place than “here.” When your “there” has become a “here”, you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here.”
7. Other people are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life’s questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
10. You will forget all this.
Everyone has split personalities. People are generally nice and mean, depending on who they're with and how they feel. But the greater people are the ones who take that extra step. They're the ones that take the time to think about how others would feel if they weren't so nice. They think about others before themselves; they're always sweet and kind. Approachable, not intimidating.
@ 4:43 PM
@ 4:41 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 @ 11:46 PM
An ideal man. Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 11:52 PM
1) Have respect. For everyone, even your parents. It's a total turn off when I find guys cursing at their parents. That's total disrespect.
2) Be trustworthy, meaning you cannot lie; be honest with your feelings. Open up, don't hide or lie about anything, especially important details about yourself. We want to get to know THE real you.
3) Don't be a slacker. No one likes lazy people. Accomplish something big.
4) Don't stink with the stench of smoke, or alcohol. Or anything worse than that.
5) Shortness isn't cute, at least to me. I think it's awkward for a guy to be shorter than me. Oh, and they have to be older. Younger guys is a no no.
6) Be different. We live in a society where guys live to party and fuck around with girls. Please, don't be like that. Don't live to "git m0n3y and fuck b!tch3z" (LOL)
7) Since you're a guy, girls expect you to play video games. Enjoy it, but don't waste your fucking life on them. We aren't asking for all of your time but we at least deserve some. And don't EVER ditch your girl to play games. That's intolerable.
8) Be confident enough to introduce us to your friends. Then we know that you aren't scared to act the same in front of your friends. It's extremely irritating when guys act like complete douche bags just to "fit in" with the group.
9) Good hygiene. I think that's a given.
10) Jealousy is cute, but only to a certain limit, then it just gets annoying. Which leads to clingyness. Everyone needs their own space.
11) Any special talents such as: Cooking/baking, dancing, singing, drawing, writing, acting; Anything that makes you stand out from the crowd.
12) "Cool" - Chill, not aggressive. Be kind, think once, twice, and three times before you say something that might hurt us. 'Cause you know, us girls are sensitive.
13) Politeness. Have good manners and be confident in yourself, but don't be too cocky. Being modest is always a plus.
14) Have goals. You should want to do something with your life and have good self motivation.
15) I understand that cursing is the new "cool" these days but I prefer guys with a well expanded vocabulary. I don't want to hear the words, fuck, shit, damn, and hell over and over.
16) Have a good sense of humor. I don't know about you, but I love to joke around. And it's important for guys to always put a smile on a girl's face.
17) Know how to handle situations, correctly. This goes back to the whole aggressive thing. I get that guys should be the more dominant one in the relationship but you shouldn't blow up and say hurtful things during a fight, cause you'll most likely regret it later.
18) Always have our backs. You should always support what your girl does, no matter how stupid it is. For what reason? 'Cause she's yours, and you love her.
19) Looks aren't everything, but they sure are something. Looks are most likely what interests a person into talking to someone in the first place. So look decent, don't go around looking like total crap with bad style. In other words, don't make us look bad, and we won't do that either.
20) Don't fucking flirt. I stress this a lot. We won't get mad because you're talking to her, or because she's your friend. But yeah, we will get mad when you guys have late night phone calls/text messages, or any phone calls for that matter, and you spend your whole day talking to her. Know your limits.
21) We should deserve special treatment. Don't treat us like every other girl you talk to.
22) Be understanding. We aren't perfect so we will make mistakes.
@ 3:40 PM
Tried to edit my pictures a little differently. FAIL'D. They look horrible, I know. Deal with it.
Friends @ 2:35 PM
Don't cross your friends, they're all that we have besides our family. Don't ditch your friends. You might have boyfriends/girlfriends, but they aren't going to be always there for you. Maybe they will, but usually they aren't. Your friends are. Don't ditch them, it's not very smart.
You shouldn't care about how your friends look, and when people talk bad about your friends to you, you should stick up for them. Don't play along.
Don't talk smack about your friends and you shouldn't even say personal things about your friends to other people, unless they permit you to talk about it. That's just disrespectful.
You should accept your friends for who they are. Support pretty much anything that your friends do, because they're your friends for a reason. In my eyes, my friends can do no wrong. If your friend doesn't like something, you shouldn't do it.
Friends don't compete. Your friends with this person because they have something special. Something that you don't have. You should congratulate when they get awarded, and not become jealous. When you compete, instead of working together, that's when fights start to happen and you'll eventually lose them.
Treat your friends like gold. And if they don't treat you like gold, find new friends that will. Find friends that will accept you.
I don't have much to say @ 2:02 PM
I can never find the right words, but I have it all here; in my heart, and in my head.
That right there is my problem.
@ 1:49 PM
@ 1:49 PM
@ 1:48 PM
@ 1:48 PM
@ 1:46 PM
Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't expect someone to read your mind, and don't play games with heads or hearts. Don't tell half truths, and expect trust when the full truth comes out. Half truths are no better than lies. Don't be cold to someone you care about; indifference hurts more than angry words.