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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Pet peeves
Thursday, July 29, 2010 @ 8:28 AM

1) Snobby rich kids. Mmmhm.
2) People that look in the mirror 43958308 times a day. YOU LOOK FINE, God.
3) Conceited people.
4) Dirty bathrooms/people who don't flush after themselves. Is it that hard to push down a fucking lever? No one wants to see your shit, literally.
5) White dudes that wear fucking Hollister that say "brah" or "bro".
6) People that are too touchy.
7) When people cough and sneeze in front of you without covering their fucking mouth/nose.
8) BUGS. I hate bugs. Even the ones that people find 'cute'. Bugs are not cute.
9) Immature adults that think they're cool because they say 'dude' and shit that kids say.
10) People that wear clothes from Wal-Mart.. I don't know why it bothers me.
11) 40 year old smokers. It's about time you stop smoking.
12) Bad quality pictures with horrible editing. It's gross.
13) Myspace scene kids. Please get the fuck off the internet.
14) People that think they're perfect. I always think everyone/everything needs improvement.
15) Asian parents that're THE ASIAN PARENTS STEREOTYPE. Annoying and naggy.
16) Fobs.
17) Dogs that come running after you. I don't care if they're friendly, it still scares the shit out of me.
18) People that lead you on. Fuck off.
19) Advertisements on the internet that say 'FREE ____!' Everyone knows it's not fucking free.
20) Being humiliated. Even if it's a joke, I do not like it.
21) Awkward silences.
22) People that're 'too cool' for sex jokes. Everyone needs to laugh at them once in awhile.
23) 11 year old kids wearing make up..
24) Oily/greasy things. Especially hair.
25) Spit flying out of your mouth on accident. SO EMBARRASSING.
26) Tourists that cheer or do a clap and act obnoxiously when waiting in line for a ride. (Theme parks) It's JUST a ride. No need to fucking get all excited for a 30 second roller coaster.
27) Loud, ridiculous people.
28) People that yell at you for smacking on gum. I like to smack, okay.
29) Snorting when you laugh. Hehehe.
30) People who don't get my sarcasm. They take it seriously and get pissed. LOL
31) When people laugh TOO HARD, even when it's not funny.
32) People that think they're COOL SHIT because they're well known online.. who are you in real life?
33) One sided love.
34) People who constantly text you..when you're not replying to them.
35) Singing along to music when you don't even know the words.
36) When people type ghettoliciously. You all know what I'm talking about.
37) People that are seriously 'stubborn as a mule'.
38) One worded replies. Ah.
39) People that over use smileys and shit.
40) People that think they're cute. You ain't cute.
41) Used toilet paper on the ground.
42) I do not like it when people cannot follow trends. People still wear colored skinnies, like wtf?
43) 'Wanna be scenesters' that don't match and wear 10 different colors.
44) People that say shit about religion.
45) People that do not cover up their junk. Meaning: wearing tube tops that show their belly buttons, wearing booty shorts that show their ass cheeks. GROSSSSSSSS.
46) 40+ year old people that shop in the Juniors department..Ugh.
47) People that don't respect other people's decisions. People that never think about what other people may have in mind.
48) First impressions. Judging people based on first impressions.
49) People that do not add apostrophes in between words such as, 'I'm', 'You're', etc.
50) When people point out something embarrassing about someone causing an awkward silence.
51) Violence, people fighting.
52) When people stare at you while walking by. What the hell are you looking at?
53) Fat people who don't admit that they are fat.
54) Attention whores and people who die for compliments.
55) Fake boobs.
56) Shit talkerzz. Get a life.
57) Ugly/bad hair. Just shave your head, it'll look better.
58) Emo. People who cut them selves. I know everyone do things for a reason but I honestly think that cutting doesn't solve anything.
59) People who brag. 'The one that knows most, speaks the least.' < It's true.
60) Pot heads that talk about weed and smoking weed and people who smoke weed, 24/7.
61) When people steal food off of your plate, without asking. GTFO.
62) Kids under the age of 18 having sex. FKGNDFNK
63) Blue/Cyan glittery eyeshadow. Old women wearing blue eyeshadow.
64) When people repeat the same story over and over again. We get it.
65) When people constantly update their Facebook status with shit that's completely unnecessary. No one cares.
65) People that do not use social networking sites. I wonder how they live.
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