Flirting, when you shouldn't be.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
@ 12:06 PM
If you're with someone, and you want your relationship to be a serious one or you actually want it to work out, DON'T FUCKING FLIRT. Simple as that.
Your girl friend or boy friend wouldn't even like it if you're being friendly with the opposite gender. What makes you think they'll be fine with you flirting?
Yeah. Sure, flirting is fun. It's enjoyable. Who doesn't like to flirt? I even like flirting. But I don't do it. Want to know why? Because I'm fucking faithful. I want to take relationships seriously, and if you flirt/cheat while you're with someone, there's no fucking way on Earth you'll end up in a serious relationship. You'll end up with no one, that's for sure.
Flirting is okay if you're single, and you want to 'mingle'. But when you're taken, don't do it. Seriously, it'll fuck your relationship up.