Oh geez.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
@ 9:19 PM
Yay fuck my life. I'm a liar. Lied about going to my friend's last day 'hang out', since I'm never going to see her again. I wasn't allowed to go, yet I went anyway. I didn't want to look like a bad friend. I lied about how I went there, and what I did, etc. Now I'm receiving some strict ass punishment. :) After that, I wasn't allowed to talk to ANY of my best friends, but I talked to them anyways. I fucked up even more. I ended up saying the wrong things, which I didn't mean at all, and now I'm in some deep ass shit. I acted like nothing was wrong, and what I did wasn't anything bad. But I do know what I did was extremely immature/stupid, and that I deserve the worst punishment imaginable. I should've just told the truth and went, instead of lying about the whole thing. I know I'm going to have to make this up some how, but I don't know what to do. It seems like I've fucked up way too much for this to be made up. I don't know the way out of this mess.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
@ 2:24 PM
Say whaaaat!?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
@ 5:19 PM
So, apparently I'm a 'rude ass bitch' because I tell people the truth and because I speak my mind more often than others. Here's what the fuck happened today. I'm sitting in English class, texting quietly, when this ugly ass dude comes and sits next to me. There were 3 seats in a row, and I sat in the middle. My friend came and sat next to me, and the ugly ass kept trying to talk to him OVER ME. WHAT THE FUCK? Rude much? My friend looked pretty annoyed too, because the bitch was asking him obvious questions and tried to keep the conversation going, while my friend wanted it to end asap, but didn't want to say anything rude to him. So I did it instead. I told him to just shut the fuck up since nobody wants to hear him and because his voice was the most annoying shit I've EVER heard, and it's true too. Everyone got quiet and started listening to this convo, which was pretty awkward, then they started laughing at him. Then he goes, 'And your voice ISN'T annoying?' LOL! Obviously not, because people want to hear me talk. (; So I went, 'Uhh, no C:' And he goes, 'You're a fucking bitch,' while all the kids that agree with him, which are FREAKS BY THE WAY, nodded and went, "OOOOOOO". Losers.
Seriously, shut the fuck up.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
@ 8:08 PM
OH MY FUCKING GOD. Almost everyone smokes weed, or have tried the shit at least once. It's like NORMAL now, hah, that shows how corrupted this world's getting. Anyways, people need to shut the fuck up about them smoking. It's nothing to brag about, really, or even TALK about in public with people you barely know. Who knows, they might fuckin' snitch on you, and bam, you go to jail or some shit. Gratz, your life's fucked now. Telling someone you smoke weed is like telling someone that you smoke cigs these days. "Dude, guess what. I smoked 2 joints last night! (;" SO FUCKING WHAT, LOL. Who gives a flying fuck? People that are against it will think you're the stupidest fuck face on Earth for smoking, and people that smoke will think you're retarded for being so proud about it. Nobody will think good of you. So don't try and act all cool cause you smoke, cause you ain't brah.
5:16 am
Monday, January 18, 2010
@ 5:15 AM
It's 5 fucking o' clock and I'm not in bed. Can't go to sleep. I'm confused as fuck. A million things have been going through my head. I've been thinking about why people say things they don't actually mean. Why do people say certain things, yet their actions show the exact opposite. Why do people hold on to someone if they don't really want them? Why do people make someone believe that they wanna be with them and make this world of illusion just to please them, when they really have other ideas. Why do people make them believe they still want them; just to hurt them later on because they will find out eventually that they don't. Why can't people fucking be honest and tell straight forward how they REALLY feel? Maybe because, some people hold on to someone they don't want, to keep from being alone. Then they'll basically cheat on that person until they find someone else. The victim involved is caught completely off-guard until they get their heart broken. Solutions? After they fuck up, and play around with you for a bit and you notice that, drop them. Drop them before they drop you. Unfortunately, I can't listen to my own advice.
My bby C:
Saturday, January 16, 2010
@ 2:01 PM
codie<3  I love him so much, and I swear to god, I'd probably die without him right now. Words can't really explain how much I love him, but I'll try. We argue from time to time; and that's pretty fuckin' normal, I mean, seriously, if you don't have arguments with your gf/bf, that's not a true relationship. He always puts a smile on my face, always. I've never loved anyone as much as him, and I'm being fucking honest here. No one can replace him, so people should bother trying. He's the fuckin' besssst, haha. Not trying to be selfish or anything but, Codie's all mine. LOL not gonna share, so fuck off. And yes, it's true that we're awfully different from each other, so you'd probably assume that we're the worst couple ever. Well, on the contrary, we actually get along pretty well. We're definitely not the best couple ever, but we're working on it. Opposites attract each other, haven't you heard? We complete eachother c:, haha. We're learning to forgive each other for the little injustices we each commit. We're trying to trust one another..lol, and we're learning to give up something we each want to get something that both of us want; so basically sacrificing something for eachother. We're trying to make this work; Don't get in-between us and ruin it. <3 I love you, Codie.
Likes, dislikes
@ 1:20 PM
I have nothing to bitch about, 'cept for what I've done, and I don't feel like doing that so I decided to make a post about what I like, and dislike; fuckin' enjoy. Loves; Codie. Bahaha<3 Likes; food (eating), crude humor, laughing, bluntness, comfort, eaaaasy-going people, chillin', taking my time, sarcasm, making fun of people, hangin' with friends, getting peoples' attn, horoscopes, skinny jeans, candy, warm showers, staying up, good music, high quality pictures, things with meaning, SOCIAL PEOPLE, joking around, simple vocabulary, creative minds, real shit, simple people, not holding grudges, not selfish; but generous people, azn gangsters, hella' nice hair, clean-ness, lookin' at crazy shit, realistic dreams, my future. Dislikes; annoying shit/people, racism, impatientness, aggressiveness, selfishness, people that don't understand real humor, extreme seriousness, making hard decisions, people that can't control their feelings, emo faggets, not showing any emotion, hypocrites, up-tightness, repetition, cotton candy, fat unsocial losers, people that take shit the wrong way, justin beiber/ kid who sings bout shit he's never experienced, people who act EXTREMELY nice/<~ fuckin' annoying shit right thur', preppy accents, people that get too close to my face when they talk, touching, lies, 2-faced bitches, faaakeness, people who try too hard, people who control others;think that they're the shit;think that they're much greater than others, overly smart people, whores, where i live and who i live with. Will definitely add more to the dislike category later.
/Betrayed, replaced
Monday, January 11, 2010
@ 5:38 PM
God, I feel like shit. I hope you feel fuckin' great. You've betrayed me AND replaced me with someone that cares less about you. ' You're going to regret this', right back at you bro. I'll show you I can live without you, since you keep doubting me. I'm actually kinda glad you're out of my life; I won't have to hear you complaining about your fuckin' girl friend 24/7. You're a fucking 2-faced bitch. You talk shit about her behind her back, and infront, you lie and tell her that she's perfect. HAH. You're the biggest loser I've ever met. Don't even bother talking to me until you get your shit straightened out.
My "Best Friend"
Saturday, January 9, 2010
@ 5:04 PM
Guido Ruiz. We've known each other for quite sometime now. Eh, to be honest, I forgot how the fuck we met, but some how he ended up in my MSN contacts list. We began talking, and a few days later, he introduced me to his best friend, Nick. Me and Nick eventually started going out, and for some reason, me and Guido got closer. After a month or so, I got tired of Nick's bull shit and moved the fuck on. Me and Guido kept on talking though, and as soon as I got my phone, we became the closest texting buddies ever. LOL And yeah, that's my story. I don't want to lose you best friend, so DON'T FUCK UP. Haha just kidding, but seriously.
Niquil and Tylenol PM
Saturday, January 2, 2010
@ 11:23 AM
I've been drugging myself with pills for the past week, cause I have absolutely nothing to do and I have a cold so I can't sleep at night. LOL That's why I've been so tired the past few days if you guys were wondering why I was going to sleep so early. I fell asleep at fucking six last night and woke up at 9-ish. 14(?) hours. What the fuck LOL, that's the longest I have ever slept in my life.
Friday, January 1, 2010
@ 10:38 AM
 ^This is me most of the time. Happy Fuckin' New Years; and Happy 2 Month Anniversary <33I feel like shit today cause I only got 2 hours of sleep. Woke up today with 53 texts screaming HAPPY NEW YEARS and shit like that. Thanks guise. Sorry if I didn't reply to you, I'm a lazy ass. I honestly don't know how I'm not fucking obese right now, because I should be. I eat SO much, and I never exercise. I don't even MOVE around at home. I usually just sit on the couch, watch TV and eat, or sit in front of the damn computer and eat. My laziness is the only reason I get busted for shit. I need to fix my problem before I get into sum deep shit. Now I'm listening to my black friend tellin' my mom bout how he had sex last night for two fuckin' hours straight. Oh god, shut him up. And what the fuck, my mom's not even trying to end the conversation when she CLEARLY SEES ME SITTING RIGHT HERE. LOL? My parents are odd as fuck. Instead of avoiding conversations like this when I'm near, my parents talk about it like it's normal and shit. Haha