I hate this
Thursday, September 9, 2010
@ 10:40 PM
Sun in LibraShe has a great need to be part of a group. She likes to mix with people and looks for partnerships. She likes and respects justice. She approves of society's values. She is level-headed and assimilates quickly.
Weaknesses: does not think enough, she is frivolous. A dilettante in love. She is easily swayed by group pressure.
Moon in ScorpioCourageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. The type of sensual woman who likes eroticism.
Weaknesses: excesses of pleasures of the flesh, sensual delights and sensuality.
Mercury in LibraWith big ideas, she evaluates and weighs things up. Of good judgment, she expresses herself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, she listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up her own mind.
Weaknesses: she is happy-go-lucky and phlegmatic. The spouse can be unfaithful. Partnerships are unprofitable.^ REALLY!? God.
Venus in LibraHappiness is found in marriage, living with another. She is devoted, tender, affectionate, gentle. Love is a matter of charm, rapture, delicacy. She cannot hide her love, but needs legal recognition. She wants all the marriage rites.
Weaknesses: she likes to be worshiped, enjoys flattery and likes to be surrounded by her inner circle. This causes a few problems after marriage.