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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @ 7:56 AM

What can I wear to a waterpark. Female answers only please :)?

Well, for a birthday party I am going to Wet 'N' Wild and I am not "fat" but not skinny either. I have a little extra weight on my stomach and I am not too comfortable wearing a bikini. I'm a very self conscious person. I don't own a 2 piece or anything so I am just wondering what can I wear to hide my stomach without looking like a freak.

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Sorrry I mean I don't own a full piece, I only own bikinis, hah.
1 year ago

A: "Do what I do. Sweater are in season now. I would wear a sweater maybe a turtleneck."

I lol'd.
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