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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010 @ 2:40 AM

For the people that're close to me; I'm pretty sure you guys have all realized that I'm pretty fucking weird. And I have definitely noticed my weird actions/thoughts. It's not that I try to be weird, I was born this way. I can't really help it.

Weird: Not normal, rare, different.

I hate being so weird at times, but then again it's what makes me different. Sometimes I don't want to be so different. I don't want to stand out with my personality. I already do just with my appearance at school. (Since I'm not white, or black.) I wish to be normal.

Then I think, "What is exactly IS NORMAL?" I'm talking about both emotional and physical aspects of a person's life. Everything is created because someone starts it, ex. trends. A person that is extremely talented at something can be a role model. Who is the role model for being 'normal'? For being completely ..boring? So ordinary. Plain. Standard. Average. Not over achieving anything.

Yeah that's right, now that I think about it, normal is boring. Normal is..well, normal. Something you can see everyday. Even with objects, people wish to see rare things, something that is eye catching, things that they've never seen before. Being 'weird', or as I would like to say, 'different or extraordinary' is definitely more enjoyable than being just normal.

Depending on where you live, society socially conditions people to do things and act a certain way, which is defined by what they were taught to be "The correct way to look, behave, work, educate, dress, etc".

People (humans) act and react in so many different ways, that it truly is hard to say what is normal or weird. They just had to give the world a definition for social standards to live by. Ultimately, it's really up to you in how you choose to do so.
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