Things about Georgia I do not like, so far.
Monday, July 12, 2010
@ 12:40 PM
1) Too many Asians, well in the part of Georgia I'm staying in. I feel awkward and uncomfortable around Asians that I don't know. I feel more comfortable around white/black people.
2) The streets of Duluth, Georgia are completely dead by 11. There are like 1~4 cars on the road, but that's about it. Almost everything's closed. Even Burger King was closed, like what the fuck?
3) NO PHARMACIES. At 11~12 at night, I suddenly got a huge rash. I needed medication and it was almost impossible to find one, THAT WAS OPEN. So we just bought some cheap ointment that didn't even work at Wal-Mart, which by the way was the dirtiest Wal-Mart I've ever been in.
4) There are too many new roads. My GPS completely had us lost because it didn't recognize the roads we were driving in.
5) The cheesy, bitchy looking Asian suck ups that work in make up stores. My mom wanted some new Korean make up that is ridiculously over priced. The workers there looked like they were forcing themselves to smile when they really, really didn't want to. They were disgustingly nice. And one of them gave me samples of their new skin lotion and said, "Since you're obviously breaking out, try our new skin lotion. n_n < 3333333" Bitch. LOL.
6) Too many Asians. Too many Asians. Too many Asians.