Saturday, June 26, 2010
@ 5:41 AM
1. My ‘ex’ and me :
Pretend each other don’t exist. Kinda.
2. I’m listening to :
Birds chirping outside my window at almost 6am.
3. Maybe I should :
Go the fuck to sleep before I die tomorrow.
4. I love :
5. My best friends :
Are irreplaceable.
6. I don’t understand :
People and myself.
7. I lost my respect for :
Whores and flirts.
8. I last ate :
9. Someday :
I’ll get the fuck out of this house and be truly happy with life.
10. I will always be :
Thinking about shit.
11. Love seems :
Hard and complicated.
12. I never want to lose :
The people close to me. (People that mean a lot.)
13. My MySpace is :
14. I get annoyed when :
People act overly immature and don't know when to get serious.
15. Parties :
Are fun?
16. Today I :
Am going to die for having one hour of sleep.
17. I wish :
I was carefree and nothing bothered me.
18. I regret :
Meeting some people.