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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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"Online dating is stupid."
Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 4:37 PM

It might seem stupid, because most people believe that love is only possible through physical contact, which is definitely not true, in my perspective. Love is possible in many different ways, even without touching.

Sure, you might never have a chance with the person you meet through the internet, in real life, but that doesn't mean you can't fall in love with them. The chance that you'll be with the person you're with online, literally forever, as in until death, is extremely low. But point still stands that it is possible to actually feel something with another person, virtually.

I believe that communication is the most important thing in the world. Good conversations lead to 'love', not physical contact.

Online dating is not stupid. It isn't a waste of time. It's a great experience, without heavy risks and pressures, like sex and shit.

I heard a lot of bull shit from my 'peers' /cough, about online dating.
"People who online date are just insecure."
"They're going to be inexperienced when they finally get a bf/gf irl."
"They're losers who don't have a chance with anyone in real life."

Yeah, those might be true, but not all the time. A person doesn't have to be insecure about themselves to have an online relationship. Maybe they don't find anyone good enough around them, and that's not just another excuse. People want the 'perfect guy' or 'perfect girl'. Maybe they just don't see anyone that fits their standards and expectations in their school, or wherever. I think people that are experienced with online dating have just as much experience and 'skill' as people who date in real life. Online dating isn't much different, beside the fact that you can't see each other and touch each other everyday. Online daters communicate through the phone, texting, instant messengers, just like people who date irl. Communication is most important.

I strongly disagree with the third statement. "They're losers who don't have a chance with anyone in real life." Like I mentioned above, maybe they just don't see anyone right for them. Maybe Mr.Right, or Ms.Right is online, thousands of miles away.

People look down on people who take online relationships seriously. All they know is that it's 'lame' because it's just different. What they do not know, however, is that it takes just as much effort and commitment to keep an online relationship strong.

Don't judge people because they online date. That's stupid.
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