Good friends?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
@ 8:49 PM
I don't think so, dear.
used to be good friends. We
used to be close.
You're right, everything's changed.
I don't usually blame people but this is mostly your fault.
I have tried talking to you. I have tried getting close. I felt that I needed to take action, quick, before we got too distant. But guess what. We both needed to
We used to tell each other everything, what happened?'
You put me aside from your life. That's what happened. You totally blocked me from everything you were going through. You come back to me when you have problems. Or whenever you feel like it. Did you seriously think I was going to always be here for you?
No way Jose.
I don't know what's going on with you. You told me you're depressed but I don't think that's a good enough reason to ignore me.
People change, I know. I used to think you were worry-free, and always happy.
Now I know that you have so many problems. Girls, and God knows what else. I prefer simple people in my life. I don't want anymore shit to deal with. I have enough of my own.
Maybe we should just stop being friends..'
If you want that, then fine. Like I said, it's not like we talk much anyways.
Friends talk a lot. Best friends are always there for each other.
You have been missing out a lot, darling. You reply to my texts every 4~6 hours. We never talk on MSN. You don't call.
Yeah, we're
very good friends.