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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 11:20 AM

- I'm lazy as fuck. My life would be so much better if I weren't lazy.
- I eat a lot. I can eat over 2,000 calories at one sitting. < Fat ass
- I basically live to eat.
- I procrastinate way too much.
- I find so many flaws in myself I want to change so bad.
- I think I'm the ugliest thing on Earth.
- My phone is a part of me. It's with me wherever I go.
- I don't like showing off. I don't like conceited people.
- I make too many sarcastic comments and compliments.
- I think too much about doing something and end up never doing it.
- I think racist jokes are funny.
- I'm really stubborn, but during an argument, I lose on purpose to avoid conflict.
- I'm pretty much a peace maker. I hate fighting.
- I think violence is awkward.
- I get inspired easily.
- I over react. When I'm sad, I act more sad than I really am.
- I like writing, obviously.
- I'm careless, but I try to care.
- I don't say most things to spare other peoples' feelings. Unless I don't like you.
- I love talking, I love listening. I love good conversations.
- I would die without music. Literally.
- I don't like admitting my faults. But then again, who does?
- I have THE most peculiar dreams ever.
- I hate whores.
- I don't know how I live with my family. My sister hates me, she's a snitch. She tells my parents every fucking thing I do. My parents think I'm the worst kid on Earth and have trust issues.
- My dreams are big.
- I weigh myself everyday.
- I know a lot more about nutrition and dieting than a normal teen should know.
- I love love.
- I listen to one song for hours on end, until I get sick of it.
- I act like I'm dumb as fuck.
- I cannot stand people who lie and cheat.
- I am easily influenced.
- According to Google, I used to have an eating disorder. I ate a little and exercised excessively. I don't do that shit anymore, obviously.
- I giggle a lot.
- I'm weird, because I want to be different.
- I hate Ms.Conner. I don't care if she reads this or not. I really hate her. Thank lawwwd there's only like a week of school left. I cannot stand her.
- I'm easy going. I guess.
- Apparently I'm 'funny'. But I don't think I am. I'm just peculiar.
- I like to spend.
- I'm never sure/certain of anything.
- I think cheesy things are really cute.
- I am indecisive. It takes me FOREVER to pick out a dress, or pick out candy at a candy store. It's better when people pick out something for me.
- I try to look at all sides of something before making a decision. Which is why I'm so god damn indecisive. Ex) "This dress has flowers on it, but this dress looks more comfortable. But this one's more pretty, and the comfortable one looks a bit eh..but comfort > beauty.." and ETC.
- I waste time.
- I listen to a little of everything.
- Alan makes me happy.
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