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Welcome to my journal, filled with obnoxious opinions. The title says it all. I post things that may or may not be relevant to my life. This public journal was created for the sake of myself and for my personal uses. It's where I put my thoughts down into words. It's where I learn, understand, and discover myself.

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Survey. n_n
Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 5:14 PM

Do you think your ex still wants to be with you?
No, hehehehe.

Is there anything you should be worried about?
No, not really.

You're up after 3 AM, what's the reason?
Phone, doing something with someone, texting, singing or thinking.

Are you in a relationship with anyone?

Who was the last person to text you "hello"?
No one ever says 'hello' anymore.

Have you ever liked someone just because they were good looking?
HAHA, yes.

Is smoking a turn off?
It's a turn on for me, actually.

Every girl needs a little black dress. Do you agree?
I disagree.

What kind of mood are you in?

Why aren't you dating the last person who you texted?
I don't have feelings for them.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for over 6 months?
Yeah, if I met someone who tried.

Have you ever lost someone you wish you didn't?

Do you enjoy reading?
Depends on the mood and the book.

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?
Not really.

Four months ago, who did you have a crush on?
It wasn't a crush, or was it?

Do you honestly have feelings for someone at the moment?

Is there anything upsetting you?

How is the weather?
Absolutely perfect.

What are you looking forward to within the next few months?
Summer Vacation. :3

What's the closest item that is yellow?
My Banana milk carton.

Are you eating/​drinking anything right now?

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Keith. Dumb ass.

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
No, today I just want to stay home.

Do you have a best friend?
Yes. < 3

Missing someone?
Yeah. Well kind of.

Do you like winter time?
No, too cold.

Are your toe nails painted pink?
One of them are.

Do you straighten your hair often?
Almost everyday.

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and aren't around much anymore?
Story of my life. Everybody leaves.

What if they were back in your life?

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?

Is it awkward when you run into your ex?
I can't exactly 'run into' him but, no it isn't awkward.

If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you?
Yeah but they'd be pissed.

Where is your bf/gf right now?
I'm single, dumb shit.

Are you comfortable answering theses questions?

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
Yeah, lmao.

Do you act differently around the person you like?
Um, I act a little more proper. LOL!

Do you remember who you liked in grade seven?
I didn't like anyone.

Are there any relationships you wish could have lasted longer?

Has anyone told you they would never leave and left?
No shit.

Do you love anyone?

Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you?
Depends on who hugs me.
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