Thursday, April 29, 2010
@ 12:05 AM
I know you hate my mother fucking guts. You'll probably never speak to me ever again, and if you do, you probably won't tell me much. You lost all respect for me, I know.
I just hope you're happy.
Even though, in my opinion, I didn't do much, you probably hate me to fucking death for something I didn't do. Cause this happened. Cause he felt that way, and I had no control over it but to say 'no'.
Why did this seriously fucking happen to me, I became that girl I never wanted to be.
I was in the same position as you, once.
I really despised that girl who stole that boy's heart.
Even though she was the nicest thing on Earth; she was absolutely harmless.
Yet, I still despised her.
So jsyk, I don't blame you for hating me.